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- dojox/form/FilePickerTextBox.js
- dojox/form/FileUploader.js
- dojox/form/ListInput.js
- dojox/form/Manager.js
- dojox/form/MultiComboBox.js
- dojox/form/PasswordValidator.js
- dojox/form/RadioStack.js
- dojox/form/RangeSlider.js
- dojox/form/Rating.js
- dojox/form/TimeSpinner.js
- dojox/form/Uploader.js
- dojox/form/_FormSelectWidget.js
- dojox/form/_HasDropDown.js
- dojox/form/_SelectStackMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_ClassMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_DisplayMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_EnableMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_FormMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_Mixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_NodeMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_ValueMixin.js
- dojox/form/uploader/Base.js
- dojox/form/uploader/FileList.js
- dojox/form/uploader/plugins/Flash.js
- dojox/form/uploader/plugins/HTML5.js
- dojox/form/uploader/plugins/IFrame.js
- dojox/fx/Shadow.js
- dojox/fx/Timeline.js
- dojox/fx/_arg.js
- dojox/fx/_base.js
- dojox/fx/_core.js
- dojox/fx/easing.js
- dojox/fx/ext-dojo/NodeList-style.js
- dojox/fx/ext-dojo/NodeList.js
- dojox/fx/ext-dojo/complex.js
- dojox/fx/ext-dojo/reverse.js
- dojox/fx/flip.js
- dojox/fx/scroll.js
- dojox/fx/split.js
- dojox/fx/style.js
- dojox/fx/text.js
- dojox/fx.js
- dojox/gantt/GanttChart.js
- dojox/gantt/GanttProjectItem.js
- dojox/gantt/GanttResourceItem.js
- dojox/gantt/GanttTaskItem.js
- dojox/gantt/TabMenu.js
- dojox/geo/charting/Map.js
- dojox/geo/charting/_Feature.js
- dojox/geo/charting/_Marker.js
- dojox/geo/charting/_base.js
- dojox/geo/charting/widget/Legend.js
- dojox/gfx/Moveable.js
- dojox/gfx/Mover.js
- dojox/gfx/VectorText.js
- dojox/gfx/_base.js
- dojox/gfx/arc.js
- dojox/gfx/attach.js
- dojox/gfx/canvas.js
- dojox/gfx/canvas_attach.js
- dojox/gfx/decompose.js
- dojox/gfx/fx.js
- dojox/gfx/gradient.js
- dojox/gfx/gradutils.js
- dojox/gfx/matrix.js
- dojox/gfx/move.js
- dojox/gfx/path.js
- dojox/gfx/shape.js
- dojox/gfx/silverlight.js
- dojox/gfx/silverlight_attach.js
- dojox/gfx/svg.js
- dojox/gfx/svg_attach.js
- dojox/gfx/utils.js
- dojox/gfx/vml.js
- dojox/gfx/vml_attach.js
- dojox/gfx.js
- dojox/gfx3d/_base.js
- dojox/gfx3d/gradient.js
- dojox/gfx3d/lighting.js
- dojox/gfx3d/matrix.js
- dojox/gfx3d/object.js
- dojox/gfx3d/scheduler.js
- dojox/gfx3d/vector.js
- dojox/gfx3d.js
- dojox/grid/DataGrid.js
- dojox/grid/DataSelection.js
- dojox/grid/EnhancedGrid.js
- dojox/grid/LazyTreeGrid.js
- dojox/grid/LazyTreeGridStoreModel.js
- dojox/grid/Selection.js
- dojox/grid/TreeGrid.js
- dojox/grid/TreeSelection.js
- dojox/grid/_Builder.js
- dojox/grid/_CheckBoxSelector.js
- dojox/grid/_EditManager.js
- dojox/grid/_Events.js
- dojox/grid/_FocusManager.js
- dojox/grid/_Grid.js
- dojox/grid/_Layout.js
- dojox/grid/_RadioSelector.js
- dojox/grid/_RowManager.js
- dojox/grid/_RowSelector.js
- dojox/grid/_Scroller.js
- dojox/grid/_Selector.js
- dojox/grid/_TreeView.js
- dojox/grid/_View.js
- dojox/grid/_ViewManager.js
- dojox/grid/cells/_base.js
- dojox/grid/cells/dijit.js
- dojox/grid/cells/tree.js
- dojox/grid/cells.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/_Events.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/_FocusManager.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/_Plugin.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/_PluginManager.js
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- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Cookie.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Dialog.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/DnD.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Exporter.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Filter.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/GridSource.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/IndirectSelection.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Menu.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/NestedSorting.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Pagination.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Printer.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Rearrange.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Search.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Selector.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/_RowMapLayer.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/_SelectionPreserver.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/_StoreLayer.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/exporter/CSVWriter.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/exporter/TableWriter.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/exporter/_ExportWriter.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/ClearFilterConfirm.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterBar.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterBuilder.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterDefDialog.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterLayer.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterStatusTip.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/_ConditionExpr.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/_DataExprs.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/_FilterExpr.js
- dojox/grid/util.js
- dojox/help/_base.js
- dojox/help/console.js
- dojox/highlight/_base.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/_all.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/_dynamic.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/_static.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/_www.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/cpp.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/css.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/delphi.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/django.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/groovy.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/html.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/java.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/javascript.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/_html.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/_www.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/css.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/html.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/javascript.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/xml.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/python.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/sql.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/xml.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/xquery.js
- dojox/highlight/widget/Code.js
- dojox/highlight.js
- dojox/html/_base.js
- dojox/html/ellipsis.js
- dojox/html/entities.js
- dojox/html/ext-dojo/style.js
- dojox/html/format.js
- dojox/html/metrics.js
- dojox/html/styles.js
- dojox/html.js
- dojox/image/Badge.js
- dojox/image/FlickrBadge.js
- dojox/image/Gallery.js
- dojox/image/Lightbox.js
- dojox/image/LightboxNano.js
- dojox/image/Magnifier.js
- dojox/image/MagnifierLite.js
- dojox/image/SlideShow.js
- dojox/image/ThumbnailPicker.js
- dojox/image/_base.js
- dojox/image.js
- dojox/io/OAuth.js
- dojox/io/httpParse.js
- dojox/io/proxy/xip.js
- dojox/io/scriptFrame.js
- dojox/io/windowName.js
- dojox/io/xhrMultiPart.js
- dojox/io/xhrPlugins.js
- dojox/io/xhrScriptPlugin.js
- dojox/io/xhrWindowNamePlugin.js
- dojox/jq.js
- dojox/json/query.js
- dojox/json/ref.js
- dojox/json/schema.js
- dojox/jsonPath/query.js
- dojox/jsonPath.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/cflow.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/counter.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/memoizer.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/memoizerGuard.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/profiler.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/timer.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/tracer.js
- dojox/lang/aspect.js
- dojox/lang/async/event.js
- dojox/lang/async/timeout.js
- dojox/lang/async/topic.js
- dojox/lang/async.js
- dojox/lang/docs.js
- dojox/lang/functional/array.js
- dojox/lang/functional/binrec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/curry.js
- dojox/lang/functional/fold.js
- dojox/lang/functional/lambda.js
- dojox/lang/functional/linrec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/listcomp.js
- dojox/lang/functional/multirec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/numrec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/object.js
- dojox/lang/functional/reversed.js
- dojox/lang/functional/scan.js
- dojox/lang/functional/sequence.js
- dojox/lang/functional/tailrec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/util.js
- dojox/lang/functional/zip.js
- dojox/lang/functional.js
- dojox/lang/observable.js
- dojox/lang/oo/Decorator.js
- dojox/lang/oo/Filter.js
- dojox/lang/oo/aop.js
- dojox/lang/oo/general.js
- dojox/lang/oo/mixin.js
- dojox/lang/oo/rearrange.js
- dojox/lang/typed.js
- dojox/lang/utils.js
- dojox/layout/BorderContainer.js
- dojox/layout/ContentPane.js
- dojox/layout/DragPane.js
- dojox/layout/ExpandoPane.js
- dojox/layout/FloatingPane.js
- dojox/layout/GridContainer.js
- dojox/layout/GridContainerLite.js
- dojox/layout/RadioGroup.js
- dojox/layout/ResizeHandle.js
- dojox/layout/RotatorContainer.js
- dojox/layout/ScrollPane.js
- dojox/layout/TableContainer.js
- dojox/layout/ToggleSplitter.js
- dojox/layout/dnd/Avatar.js
- dojox/layout/dnd/PlottedDnd.js
- dojox/layout/ext-dijit/layout/StackContainer-touch.js
- dojox/math/BigInteger-ext.js
- dojox/math/BigInteger.js
- dojox/math/_base.js
- dojox/math/curves.js
- dojox/math/matrix.js
- dojox/math/random/Secure.js
- dojox/math/random/Simple.js
- dojox/math/random/prng4.js
- dojox/math/round.js
- dojox/math/stats.js
- dojox/math.js
- dojox/mdnd/AreaManager.js
- dojox/mdnd/AutoScroll.js
- dojox/mdnd/DropIndicator.js
- dojox/mdnd/LazyManager.js
- dojox/mdnd/Moveable.js
- dojox/mdnd/PureSource.js
- dojox/mdnd/adapter/DndFromDojo.js
- dojox/mdnd/adapter/DndToDojo.js
- dojox/mdnd/dropMode/DefaultDropMode.js
- dojox/mdnd/dropMode/OverDropMode.js
- dojox/mdnd/dropMode/VerticalDropMode.js
- dojox/mobile/FixedSplitter.js
- dojox/mobile/FlippableView.js
- dojox/mobile/IconContainer.js
- dojox/mobile/ScrollableView.js
- dojox/mobile/TabBar.js
- dojox/mobile/TabContainer.js
- dojox/mobile/_ScrollableMixin.js
- dojox/mobile/_base.js
- dojox/mobile/app/AlertDialog.js
- dojox/mobile/app/ImageThumbView.js
- dojox/mobile/app/ImageView.js
- dojox/mobile/app/List.js
- dojox/mobile/app/ListSelector.js
- dojox/mobile/app/SceneAssistant.js
- dojox/mobile/app/SceneController.js
- dojox/mobile/app/StageController.js
- dojox/mobile/app/TextBox.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_FormWidget.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_Widget.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_base.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_event.js
- dojox/mobile/app/compat.js
- dojox/mobile/app.js
- dojox/mobile/compat.js
- dojox/mobile/parser.js
- dojox/mobile/scrollable.js
- dojox/mobile.js
- dojox/rails.js
- dojox/resources/_modules.js
- dojox/robot/recorder.js
- dojox/rpc/Client.js
- dojox/rpc/JsonRPC.js
- dojox/rpc/JsonRest.js
- dojox/rpc/OfflineRest.js
- dojox/rpc/ProxiedPath.js
- dojox/rpc/Rest.js
- dojox/rpc/Service.js
- dojox/secure/DOM.js
- dojox/secure/capability.js
- dojox/secure/fromJson.js
- dojox/secure/sandbox.js
- dojox/sketch/Anchor.js
- dojox/sketch/Annotation.js
- dojox/sketch/DoubleArrowAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/Figure.js
- dojox/sketch/LeadAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/PreexistingAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/SingleArrowAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/Slider.js
- dojox/sketch/Toolbar.js
- dojox/sketch/UnderlineAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/UndoStack.js
- dojox/sketch/_Plugin.js
- dojox/sketch.js
- dojox/socket/Reconnect.js
- dojox/socket.js
- dojox/sql/_base.js
- dojox/sql/_crypto.js
- dojox/sql.js
- dojox/storage/AirDBStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/AirEncryptedLocalStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/AirFileStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/BehaviorStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/CookieStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/FlashStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/GearsStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/LocalStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/Provider.js
- dojox/storage/WhatWGStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/_common.js
- dojox/storage/manager.js
- dojox/storage.js
- dojox/string/BidiComplex.js
- dojox/string/Builder.js
- dojox/string/sprintf.js
- dojox/string/tokenize.js
- dojox/testing/DocTest.js
- dojox/timing/Sequence.js
- dojox/timing/Streamer.js
- dojox/timing/ThreadPool.js
- dojox/timing/_base.js
- dojox/timing/doLater.js
- dojox/timing.js
- dojox/uuid/Uuid.js
- dojox/uuid/_base.js
- dojox/uuid/generateRandomUuid.js
- dojox/uuid/generateTimeBasedUuid.js
- dojox/uuid.js
- dojox/validate/_base.js
- dojox/validate/br.js
- dojox/validate/ca.js
- dojox/validate/check.js
- dojox/validate/creditCard.js
- dojox/validate/isbn.js
- dojox/validate/regexp.js
- dojox/validate/us.js
- dojox/validate/web.js
- dojox/validate.js
- dojox/widget/AnalogGauge.js
- dojox/widget/AutoRotator.js
- dojox/widget/BarGauge.js
- dojox/widget/Calendar.js
- dojox/widget/CalendarFx.js
- dojox/widget/CalendarViews.js
- dojox/widget/ColorPicker.js
- dojox/widget/DataPresentation.js
- dojox/widget/Dialog.js
- dojox/widget/DialogSimple.js
- dojox/widget/DocTester.js
- dojox/widget/DynamicTooltip.js
- dojox/widget/FeedPortlet.js
- dojox/widget/FilePicker.js
- dojox/widget/FisheyeList.js
- dojox/widget/FisheyeLite.js
- dojox/widget/Iterator.js
- dojox/widget/Loader.js
- dojox/widget/Pager.js
- dojox/widget/PlaceholderMenuItem.js
- dojox/widget/Portlet.js
- dojox/widget/Roller.js
- dojox/widget/RollingList.js
- dojox/widget/Rotator.js
- dojox/widget/SortList.js
- dojox/widget/Standby.js
- dojox/widget/TitleGroup.js
- dojox/widget/Toaster.js
- dojox/widget/UpgradeBar.js
- dojox/widget/Wizard.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/AnalogArcIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/AnalogArrowIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/AnalogNeedleIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/BarIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/_Gauge.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Controller.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Fade.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Pan.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/PanFade.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Slide.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/ThumbnailController.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Wipe.js
- dojox/wire/CompositeWire.js
- dojox/wire/DataWire.js
- dojox/wire/TableAdapter.js
- dojox/wire/TextAdapter.js
- dojox/wire/TreeAdapter.js
- dojox/wire/Wire.js
- dojox/wire/XmlWire.js
- dojox/wire/_base.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Action.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Data.js
- dojox/wire/ml/DataStore.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Invocation.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Service.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Transfer.js
- dojox/wire/ml/util.js
- dojox/wire.js
- dojox/xml/DomParser.js
- dojox/xml/Script.js
- dojox/xml/parser.js
- dojox/xml/widgetParser.js
- dojox/xmpp/ChatService.js
- dojox/xmpp/PresenceService.js
- dojox/xmpp/RosterService.js
- dojox/xmpp/TransportSession.js
- dojox/xmpp/UserService.js
- dojox/xmpp/bosh.js
- dojox/xmpp/sasl.js
- dojox/xmpp/util.js
- dojox/xmpp/widget/ChatSession.js
- dojox/xmpp/xmppSession.js
- dojo._base.NodeList
- dojo.lib.kernel in common
- dojo._base.lang in common
- dojo._base.array in common
- dojo._base.connect in common
- dojo._base.html in common
- type
- summary
dojo.NodeList is an of Array subclass which adds syntactic sugar for chaining, common iteration operations, animation, and node manipulation. NodeLists are most often returned as the result of dojo.query() calls.
- description
dojo.NodeList instances provide many utilities that reflect core Dojo APIs for Array iteration and manipulation, DOM manipulation, and event handling. Instead of needing to dig up functions in the dojo.* namespace, NodeLists generally make the full power of Dojo available for DOM manipulation tasks in a simple, chainable way.
- example
create a node list from a node new dojo.NodeList(dojo.byId("foo"));
- example
get a NodeList from a CSS query and iterate on it var l = dojo.query(".thinger"); l.forEach(function(node, index, nodeList){ console.log(index, node.innerHTML); });
- example
use native and Dojo-provided array methods to manipulate a NodeList without needing to use dojo.* functions explicitly: var l = dojo.query(".thinger"); // since NodeLists are real arrays, they have a length // property that is both readable and writable and // push/pop/shift/unshift methods console.log(l.length); l.push(dojo.create("span")); // dojo's normalized array methods work too: console.log( l.indexOf(dojo.byId("foo")) ); // ...including the special "function as string" shorthand console.log( l.every("item.nodeType == 1") ); // NodeLists can be [..] indexed, or you can use the at() // function to get specific items wrapped in a new NodeList: var node = l[3]; // the 4th element var newList = l.at(1, 3); // the 2nd and 4th elements
- example
the style functions you expect are all there too: // style() as a getter... var borders = dojo.query(".thinger").style("border"); // ...and as a setter: dojo.query(".thinger").style("border", "1px solid black"); // class manipulation dojo.query("li:nth-child(even)").addClass("even"); // even getting the coordinates of all the items var coords = dojo.query(".thinger").coords();
- example
DOM manipulation functions from the dojo.* namespace area also available: // remove all of the elements in the list from their // parents (akin to "deleting" them from the document) dojo.query(".thinger").orphan(); // place all elements in the list at the front of #foo dojo.query(".thinger").place("foo", "first");
- example
Event handling couldn't be easier. `dojo.connect` is mapped in, and shortcut handlers are provided for most DOM events: // like dojo.connect(), but with implicit scope dojo.query("li").connect("onclick", console, "log"); // many common event handlers are already available directly: dojo.query("li").onclick(console, "log"); var toggleHovered = dojo.hitch(dojo, "toggleClass", "hovered"); dojo.query("p") .onmouseenter(toggleHovered) .onmouseleave(toggleHovered);
- example
chainability is a key advantage of NodeLists: dojo.query(".thinger") .onclick(function(e){ /* ... */ }) .at(1, 3, 8) // get a subset .style("padding", "5px") .forEach(console.log);
- type
- parameters:
- content: (typeof String||Element||Object||NodeList)
- refNode: (typeof DOMNode)
- returns
- summary
normalizes data to an array of items to insert.
- description
If content is an object, it can have special properties "template" and "parse". If "template" is defined, then the template value is run through dojo.string.substitute (if dojo.string.substitute has been dojo.required elsewhere), or if templateFunc is a function on the content, that function will be used to transform the template into a final string to be used for for passing to dojo._toDom. If content.parse is true, then it is remembered for later, for when the content nodes are inserted into the DOM. At that point, the nodes will be parsed for widgets (if dojo.parser has been dojo.required elsewhere).
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- node: (typeof DOMNode)
- summary
private utility to clone a node. Not very interesting in the vanilla dojo.NodeList case, but delegates could do interesting things like clone event handlers if that is derivable from the node.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- ary: (typeof Array)
- refNode: (typeof DOMNode)
- position: (typeof String)
- useClone: (typeof Boolean)
- summary
private utility to handle placing an array of nodes relative to another node.
- description
Allows for cloning the nodes in the array, and for optionally parsing widgets, if ary._runParse is true.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- parent
- returns
- summary
private function to hold to a parent NodeList. end() to return the parent NodeList.
- example
How to make a `dojo.NodeList` method that only returns the third node in the dojo.NodeList but allows access to the original NodeList by using this._stash: dojo.extend(dojo.NodeList, { third: function(){ var newNodeList = dojo.NodeList(this[2]); return newNodeList._stash(this); } }); // then see how _stash applies a sub-list, to be .end()'ed out of dojo.query(".foo") .third() .addClass("thirdFoo") .end() // access to the orig .foo list .removeClass("foo")
- type
- parameters:
- summary
Ends use of the current <code>dojo.NodeList</code> by returning the previous dojo.NodeList that generated the current dojo.NodeList.
- description
Returns the `dojo.NodeList` that generated the current `dojo.NodeList`. If there is no parent dojo.NodeList, an empty dojo.NodeList is returned.
- example
dojo.query("a") .filter(".disabled") // operate on the anchors that only have a disabled class .style("color", "grey") .end() // jump back to the list of anchors .style(...)
- type
- summary
- parameters:
- begin: (typeof Integer)
Can be a positive or negative integer, with positive integers noting the offset to begin at, and negative integers denoting an offset from the end (i.e., to the left of the end)
- end: (typeof Integer)
Optional parameter to describe what position relative to the NodeList's zero index to end the slice at. Like begin, can be positive or negative.
- begin: (typeof Integer)
- summary
Returns a new NodeList, maintaining this one in place
- description
This method behaves exactly like the Array.slice method with the caveat that it returns a dojo.NodeList and not a raw Array. For more details, see Mozilla's (slice documentation)[http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Global_Objects:Array:slice]
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- index: (typeof Integer)
begin can be a positive or negative integer, with positive integers noting the offset to begin at, and negative integers denoting an offset from the end (i.e., to the left of the end)
- howmany: (typeof Integer)
Optional parameter to describe what position relative to the NodeList's zero index to end the slice at. Like begin, can be positive or negative.
- item: (typeof Object)
Any number of optional parameters may be passed in to be spliced into the NodeList
- index: (typeof Integer)
- summary
Returns a new NodeList, manipulating this NodeList based on the arguments passed, potentially splicing in new elements at an offset, optionally deleting elements
- description
This method behaves exactly like the Array.splice method with the caveat that it returns a dojo.NodeList and not a raw Array. For more details, see Mozilla's (splice documentation)[http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Global_Objects:Array:splice] For backwards compatibility, calling .end() on the spliced NodeList does not return the original NodeList -- splice alters the NodeList in place.
- return_summary
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- value: (typeof Object:)
The value to search for.
- fromIndex: (typeof Integer:)
The location to start searching from. Optional. Defaults to 0.
- value: (typeof Object:)
- returns
- summary
see dojo.indexOf(). The primary difference is that the acted-on array is implicitly this NodeList
- description
For more details on the behavior of indexOf, see Mozilla's (indexOf docs)[http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Global_Objects:Array:indexOf]
- return_summary
Positive Integer or 0 for a match, -1 of not found.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- value: (typeof Object)
The value to search for.
- fromIndex: (typeof Integer)
The location to start searching from. Optional. Defaults to 0.
- value: (typeof Object)
- returns
- summary
see dojo.lastIndexOf(). The primary difference is that the acted-on array is implicitly this NodeList
- description
For more details on the behavior of lastIndexOf, see Mozilla's (lastIndexOf docs)[http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Global_Objects:Array:lastIndexOf]
- return_summary
Positive Integer or 0 for a match, -1 of not found.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- callback: (typeof Function:)
the callback
- thisObject: (typeof Object:)
the context
- callback: (typeof Function:)
- returns
- summary
see <code>dojo.every()</code> and the (Array.every docs)[http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Global_Objects:Array:every]. Takes the same structure of arguments and returns as dojo.every() with the caveat that the passed array is implicitly this NodeList
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- callback: (typeof Function:)
the callback
- thisObject: (typeof Object:)
the context
- callback: (typeof Function:)
- returns
- summary
Takes the same structure of arguments and returns as <code>dojo.some()</code> with the caveat that the passed array is implicitly this NodeList. See <code>dojo.some()</code> and Mozilla's (Array.some documentation)[http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Global_Objects:Array:some].
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof Object)
Any number of optional parameters may be passed in to be spliced into the NodeList
- item: (typeof Object)
- returns
- summary
Returns a new NodeList comprised of items in this NodeList as well as items passed in as parameters
- description
This method behaves exactly like the Array.concat method with the caveat that it returns a `dojo.NodeList` and not a raw Array. For more details, see the (Array.concat docs)[http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Core_JavaScript_1.5_Reference:Global_Objects:Array:concat]
- return_summary
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- func: (typeof Function)
- obj: (typeof Function)
- returns
- summary
see dojo.map(). The primary difference is that the acted-on array is implicitly this NodeList and the return is a dojo.NodeList (a subclass of Array) /return d.map(this, func, obj, d.NodeList); // dojo.NodeList
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- callback
- thisObj
- returns
- summary
see <code>dojo.forEach()</code>. The primary difference is that the acted-on array is implicitly this NodeList. If you want the option to break out of the forEach loop, use every() or some() instead.
- type
- parameters:
- returns
- summary
Returns the box objects of all elements in a node list as an Array (*not* a NodeList). Acts like <code>dojo.coords</code>, though assumes the node passed is each node in this list.
- type
- returns
- returns
- summary
Returns border-box objects (x/y/w/h) of all elements in a node list as an Array (*not* a NodeList). Acts like <code>dojo.position</code>, though assumes the node passed is each node in this list.
- type
- returns
- parameters:
- property: (typeof String)
the attribute to get/set
- value: (typeof String)
optional. The value to set the property to
- property: (typeof String)
- returns
- summary
gets or sets the DOM attribute for every element in the NodeList. See also <code>dojo.attr</code>
- return_summary
if no value is passed, the result is an array of attribute values If a value is passed, the return is this NodeList
- example
Make all nodes with a particular class focusable: dojo.query(".focusable").attr("tabIndex", -1);
- example
Disable a group of buttons: dojo.query("button.group").attr("disabled", true);
- example
innerHTML can be assigned or retrieved as well: // get the innerHTML (as an array) for each list item var ih = dojo.query("li.replaceable").attr("innerHTML");
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- property: (typeof String)
the CSS property to get/set, in JavaScript notation ("lineHieght" instead of "line-height")
- value: (typeof String)
optional. The value to set the property to
- property: (typeof String)
- returns
- summary
gets or sets the CSS property for every element in the NodeList
- return_summary
if no value is passed, the result is an array of strings. If a value is passed, the return is this NodeList
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- className: (typeof String|Array)
A String class name to add, or several space-separated class names, or an array of class names.
- className: (typeof String|Array)
- returns
- summary
adds the specified class to every node in the list
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- className: (typeof String|Array)
An optional String class name to remove, or several space-separated class names, or an array of class names. If omitted, all class names will be deleted.
- className: (typeof String|Array)
- returns
- summary
removes the specified class from every node in the list
- return_summary
dojo.NodeList, this list
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- className: (typeof String)
the CSS class to add
- condition: (typeof Boolean)
If passed, true means to add the class, false means to remove.
- className: (typeof String)
- returns
- summary
Adds a class to node if not present, or removes if present. Pass a boolean condition if you want to explicitly add or remove.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- methodName: (typeof String)
the name of the method to attach to. For DOM events, this should be the lower-case name of the event
- objOrFunc: (typeof Object|Function|String)
if 2 arguments are passed (methodName, objOrFunc), objOrFunc should reference a function or be the name of the function in the global namespace to attach. If 3 arguments are provided (methodName, objOrFunc, funcName), objOrFunc must be the scope to locate the bound function in
- funcName: (typeof String)
optional. A string naming the function in objOrFunc to bind to the event. May also be a function reference.
- methodName: (typeof String)
- summary
attach event handlers to every item of the NodeList. Uses dojo.connect() so event properties are normalized
- example
add an onclick handler to every button on the page dojo.query("div:nth-child(odd)").connect("onclick", function(e){ console.log("clicked!"); });
- example
attach foo.bar() to every odd div's onmouseover dojo.query("div:nth-child(odd)").connect("onmouseover", foo, "bar");
- type
- parameters:
- returns
- summary
clears all content from each node in the list. Effectively equivalent to removing all child nodes from every item in the list.
- type
- returns
- parameters:
- queryOrNode: (typeof String||Node)
may be a string representing any valid CSS3 selector or a DOM node. In the selector case, only the first matching element will be used for relative positioning.
- position: (typeof String)
can be one of: "last" (default) "first" "before" "after" "only" "replace" or an offset in the childNodes property
- queryOrNode: (typeof String||Node)
- returns
- summary
places elements of this node list relative to the first element matched by queryOrNode. Returns the original NodeList. See: <code>dojo.place</code>
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- filter: (typeof String)
CSS selector like ".foo" or "div > span"
- filter: (typeof String)
- returns
- summary
removes elements in this list that match the filter from their parents and returns them as a new NodeList.
- return_summary
`dojo.NodeList` containing the orphaned elements
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- queryOrListOrNode: (typeof String||Array||DomNode)
a DOM node or a query string or a query result. Represents the nodes to be adopted relative to the first element of this NodeList.
- position: (typeof String)
can be one of: "last" (default) "first" "before" "after" "only" "replace" or an offset in the childNodes property
- queryOrListOrNode: (typeof String||Array||DomNode)
- returns
- summary
places any/all elements in queryOrListOrNode at a position relative to the first element in this list. Returns a dojo.NodeList of the adopted elements.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- queryStr: (typeof String)
- returns
- summary
Returns a new list whose members match the passed query, assuming elements of the current NodeList as the root for each search.
- example
assume a DOM created by this markup: <div id="foo"> <p> bacon is tasty, <span>dontcha think?</span> </p> </div> <div id="bar"> <p>great comedians may not be funny <span>in person</span></p> </div> If we are presented with the following definition for a NodeList: var l = new dojo.NodeList(dojo.byId("foo"), dojo.byId("bar")); it's possible to find all span elements under paragraphs contained by these elements with this sub-query: var spans = l.query("p span");
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- filter: (typeof String|Function)
If a string, a CSS rule like ".thinger" or "div > span".
- filter: (typeof String|Function)
- returns
- summary
"masks" the built-in javascript filter() method (supported in Dojo via <code>dojo.filter</code>) to support passing a simple string filter in addition to supporting filtering function objects.
- example
"regular" JS filter syntax as exposed in dojo.filter: dojo.query("*").filter(function(item){ // highlight every paragraph return (item.nodeName == "p"); }).style("backgroundColor", "yellow");
- example
the same filtering using a CSS selector dojo.query("*").filter("p").styles("backgroundColor", "yellow");
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- content: (typeof String||DomNode||Object||dojo.NodeList)
DOM node, HTML in string format, a NodeList or an Object. If a DOM node or NodeList, the content will be cloned if the current NodeList has more than one element. Only the DOM nodes are cloned, no event handlers. If it is an Object, it should be an object with at "template" String property that has the HTML string to insert. If dojo.string has already been dojo.required, then dojo.string.substitute will be used on the "template" to generate the final HTML string. Other allowed properties on the object are: "parse" if the HTML string should be parsed for widgets (dojo.require("dojo.parser") to get that option to work), and "templateFunc" if a template function besides dojo.string.substitute should be used to transform the "template".
- position: (typeof String||Integer)
can be one of: "last"||"end" (default) "first||"start" "before" "after" "replace" (replaces nodes in this NodeList with new content) "only" (removes other children of the nodes so new content is the only child) or an offset in the childNodes property
- content: (typeof String||DomNode||Object||dojo.NodeList)
- returns
- summary
add a node, NodeList or some HTML as a string to every item in the list. Returns the original list.
- description
a copy of the HTML content is added to each item in the list, with an optional position argument. If no position argument is provided, the content is appended to the end of each item.
- example
appends content to the end if the position is omitted dojo.query("h3 > p").addContent("hey there!");
- example
add something to the front of each element that has a "thinger" property: dojo.query("[thinger]").addContent("...", "first");
- example
adds a header before each element of the list dojo.query(".note").addContent("<h4>NOTE:</h4>", "before");
- example
add a clone of a DOM node to the end of every element in the list, removing it from its existing parent. dojo.query(".note").addContent(dojo.byId("foo"));
- example
Append nodes from a templatized string. dojo.require("dojo.string"); dojo.query(".note").addContent({ template: '<b>${id}: </b><span>${name}</span>', id: "user332", name: "Mr. Anderson" });
- example
Append nodes from a templatized string that also has widgets parsed. dojo.require("dojo.string"); dojo.require("dojo.parser"); var notes = dojo.query(".note").addContent({ template: '<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button">${text}</button>', parse: true, text: "Send" });
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- declaredClass: (typeof String|Object)
- properties: (typeof Object)
- summary
Create a new instance of a specified class, using the specified properties and each node in the nodeList as a srcNodeRef.
- example
Grabs all buttons in the page and converts them to diji.form.Buttons. var buttons = dojo.query("button").instantiate("dijit.form.Button", {showLabel: true});
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- index: (typeof Integer)
One or more 0-based indices of items in the current NodeList. A negative index will start at the end of the list and go backwards.
- index: (typeof Integer)
- returns
- summary
Returns a new NodeList comprised of items in this NodeList at the given index or indices.
- example
Shorten the list to the first, second, and third elements dojo.query("a").at(0, 1, 2).forEach(fn);
- example
Retrieve the first and last elements of a unordered list: dojo.query("ul > li").at(0, -1).forEach(cb);
- example
Do something for the first element only, but end() out back to the original list and continue chaining: dojo.query("a").at(0).onclick(fn).end().forEach(function(n){ console.log(n); // all anchors on the page. })
- return_summary
- type
- parameters:
- alias - dojo
- alias - Array.prototype
- alias - Array.prototype.slice
- alias - Array.prototype.concat
- alias - dojo.NodeList
- alias - tnl
- alias - adaptAsMap
- alias - adaptAsForEach
- alias - adaptAsFilter
- alias - adaptWithCondition
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type