Warning: Use of undefined constant Symbol - assumed 'Symbol' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /mnt/new-ebs/workbench-106550/lib/dojo/util/docscripts/lib/parser2/dojo2.inc on line 215 Warning: Use of undefined constant JavaScriptSymbol - assumed 'JavaScriptSymbol' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /mnt/new-ebs/workbench-106550/lib/dojo/util/docscripts/lib/parser2/dojo2.inc on line 215


  • Provides:

    • dojo._base.declare
  • Requires:

    • dojo.lib.kernel in common
    • dojo._base.lang in common
    • dojo._base.array in common
  • dojo

    • alias - dojo
  • dojo._mixin

    • alias - dojo._mixin
  • Object

    • alias - Object.prototype
  • Object.toString

    • alias - Object.prototype.toString
  • dojo.declare

    • parameters:
      • className: (typeof String:)
        The optional name of the constructor (loosely, a "class")
        stored in the "declaredClass" property in the created prototype.
        It will be used as a global name for a created constructor.
      • superclass: (typeof Function|Function[]:)
        May be null, a Function, or an Array of Functions. This argument
        specifies a list of bases (the left-most one is the most deepest
      • props: (typeof Object:)
        An object whose properties are copied to the created prototype.
        Add an instance-initialization function by making it a property
        named "constructor".
    • returns
    • summary
      Create a feature-rich constructor from compact notation.
    • return_summary
      New constructor function.
    • description
      Create a constructor using a compact notation for inheritance and
      prototype extension.
      Mixin ancestors provide a type of multiple inheritance.
      Prototypes of mixin ancestors are copied to the new class:
      changes to mixin prototypes will not affect classes to which
      they have been mixed in.
      Ancestors can be compound classes created by this version of
      dojo.declare. In complex cases all base classes are going to be
      linearized according to C3 MRO algorithm
      (see http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.3/mro/ for more
      "className" is cached in "declaredClass" property of the new class,
      if it was supplied. The immediate super class will be cached in
      "superclass" property of the new class.
      Methods in "props" will be copied and modified: "nom" property
      (the declared name of the method) will be added to all copied
      functions to help identify them for the internal machinery. Be
      very careful, while reusing methods: if you use the same
      function under different names, it can produce errors in some
      It is possible to use constructors created "manually" (without
      dojo.declare) as bases. They will be called as usual during the
      creation of an instance, their methods will be chained, and even
      called by "this.inherited()".
      Special property "-chains-" governs how to chain methods. It is
      a dictionary, which uses method names as keys, and hint strings
      as values. If a hint string is "after", this method will be
      called after methods of its base classes. If a hint string is
      "before", this method will be called before methods of its base
      If "constructor" is not mentioned in "-chains-" property, it will
      be chained using the legacy mode: using "after" chaining,
      calling preamble() method before each constructor, if available,
      and calling postscript() after all constructors were executed.
      If the hint is "after", it is chained as a regular method, but
      postscript() will be called after the chain of constructors.
      "constructor" cannot be chained "before", but it allows
      a special hint string: "manual", which means that constructors
      are not going to be chained in any way, and programmer will call
      them manually using this.inherited(). In the latter case
      postscript() will be called after the construction.
      All chaining hints are "inherited" from base classes and
      potentially can be overridden. Be very careful when overriding
      hints! Make sure that all chained methods can work in a proposed
      manner of chaining.
      Once a method was chained, it is impossible to unchain it. The
      only exception is "constructor". You don't need to define a
      method in order to supply a chaining hint.
      If a method is chained, it cannot use this.inherited() because
      all other methods in the hierarchy will be called automatically.
      Usually constructors and initializers of any kind are chained
      using "after" and destructors of any kind are chained as
      "before". Note that chaining assumes that chained methods do not
      return any value: any returned value will be discarded.
    • example
      	dojo.declare("my.classes.bar", my.classes.foo, {
      		// properties to be added to the class prototype
      		someValue: 2,
      		// initialization function
      		constructor: function(){
      			this.myComplicatedObject = new ReallyComplicatedObject();
      		// other functions
      		someMethod: function(){
    • example
      	var MyBase = dojo.declare(null, {
      		// constructor, properties, and methods go here
      		// ...
      	var MyClass1 = dojo.declare(MyBase, {
      		// constructor, properties, and methods go here
      		// ...
      	var MyClass2 = dojo.declare(MyBase, {
      		// constructor, properties, and methods go here
      		// ...
      	var MyDiamond = dojo.declare([MyClass1, MyClass2], {
      		// constructor, properties, and methods go here
      		// ...
    • example
      	var F = function(){ console.log("raw constructor"); };
      	F.prototype.method = function(){
      		console.log("raw method");
      	var A = dojo.declare(F, {
      		constructor: function(){
      		method: function(){
      			console.log("before calling F.method...");
      			console.log("...back in A");
      	new A().method();
      	// will print:
      	// raw constructor
      	// A.constructor
      	// before calling F.method...
      	// raw method
      	// ...back in A
    • example
      	var A = dojo.declare(null, {
      		"-chains-": {
      			destroy: "before"
      	var B = dojo.declare(A, {
      		constructor: function(){
      		destroy: function(){
      	var C = dojo.declare(B, {
      		constructor: function(){
      		destroy: function(){
      	new C().destroy();
      	// prints:
      	// B.constructor
      	// C.constructor
      	// C.destroy
      	// B.destroy
    • example
      	var A = dojo.declare(null, {
      		"-chains-": {
      			constructor: "manual"
      	var B = dojo.declare(A, {
      		constructor: function(){
      			// ...
      			// call the base constructor with new parameters
      			this.inherited(arguments, [1, 2, 3]);
      			// ...
    • example
      	var A = dojo.declare(null, {
      		"-chains-": {
      			m1: "before"
      		m1: function(){
      		m2: function(){
      	var B = dojo.declare(A, {
      		"-chains-": {
      			m2: "after"
      		m1: function(){
      		m2: function(){
      	var x = new B();
      	// prints:
      	// B.m1
      	// A.m1
      	// prints:
      	// A.m2
      	// B.m2
    • type
  • dojo.safeMixin

    • alias - safeMixin
    • parameters:
      • target: (typeof Object)
        Target object to accept new properties.
      • source: (typeof Object)
        Source object for new properties.
    • summary
      Mix in properties skipping a constructor and decorating functions
      like it is done by dojo.declare.
    • description
      This function is used to mix in properties like dojo._mixin does,
      but it skips a constructor property and decorates functions like
      dojo.declare does.
      It is meant to be used with classes and objects produced with
      dojo.declare. Functions mixed in with dojo.safeMixin can use
      this.inherited() like normal methods.
      This function is used to implement extend() method of a constructor
      produced with dojo.declare().
    • example
      	var A = dojo.declare(null, {
      		m1: function(){
      		m2: function(){
      	var B = dojo.declare(A, {
      		m1: function(){
      		m2: function(){
      	var x = new B();
      	dojo.safeMixin(x, {
      		m1: function(){
      		m2: function(){
      	// prints:
      	// A.m1
      	// B.m1
      	// X.m1
    • type
  • Object.inherited

    • parameters:
      • name: (typeof String)
        The optional method name. Should be the same as the caller's
        name. Usually "name" is specified in complex dynamic cases, when
        the calling method was dynamically added, undecorated by
        dojo.declare, and it cannot be determined.
      • args: (typeof Arguments)
        The caller supply this argument, which should be the original
      • newArgs: (typeof Object)
        If "true", the found function will be returned without
        executing it.
        If Array, it will be used to call a super method. Otherwise
        "args" will be used.
    • returns
    • summary
      Calls a super method.
    • return_summary
      Whatever is returned by a super method, or a super method itself,
      if "true" was specified as newArgs.
    • description
      This method is used inside method of classes produced with
      dojo.declare to call a super method (next in the chain). It is
      used for manually controlled chaining. Consider using the regular
      chaining, because it is faster. Use "this.inherited()" only in
      complex cases.
      This method cannot me called from automatically chained
      constructors including the case of a special (legacy)
      constructor chaining. It cannot be called from chained methods.
      If "this.inherited()" cannot find the next-in-chain method, it
      does nothing and returns "undefined". The last method in chain
      can be a default method implemented in Object, which will be
      called last.
      If "name" is specified, it is assumed that the method that
      received "args" is the parent method for this call. It is looked
      up in the chain list and if it is found the next-in-chain method
      is called. If it is not found, the first-in-chain method is
      If "name" is not specified, it will be derived from the calling
      method (using a methoid property "nom").
    • example
      	var B = dojo.declare(A, {
      		method1: function(a, b, c){
      		method2: function(a, b){
      			return this.inherited(arguments, [a + b]);
      	// next method is not in the chain list because it is added
      	// manually after the class was created.
      	B.prototype.method3 = function(){
      		console.log("This is a dynamically-added method.");
      		this.inherited("method3", arguments);
    • example
      	var B = dojo.declare(A, {
      		method: function(a, b){
      			var super = this.inherited(arguments, true);
      			// ...
      				console.log("there is no super method");
      				return 0;
      			return super.apply(this, arguments);
    • type
  • Object.getInherited

    • parameters:
      • name: (typeof String)
        The optional method name. Should be the same as the caller's
        name. Usually "name" is specified in complex dynamic cases, when
        the calling method was dynamically added, undecorated by
        dojo.declare, and it cannot be determined.
      • args: (typeof Arguments)
        The caller supply this argument, which should be the original
    • returns
    • summary
      Returns a super method.
    • return_summary
      Returns a super method (Function) or "undefined".
    • description
      This method is a convenience method for "this.inherited()".
      It uses the same algorithm but instead of executing a super
      method, it returns it, or "undefined" if not found.
    • example
      	var B = dojo.declare(A, {
      		method: function(a, b){
      			var super = this.getInherited(arguments);
      			// ...
      				console.log("there is no super method");
      				return 0;
      			return super.apply(this, arguments);
    • type
  • Object.isInstanceOf

    • parameters:
      • cls: (typeof Function)
        Class constructor.
    • returns
    • summary
      Checks the inheritance chain to see if it is inherited from this
    • return_summary
      "true", if this object is inherited from this class, "false"
    • description
      This method is used with instances of classes produced with
      dojo.declare to determine of they support a certain interface or
      not. It models "instanceof" operator.
    • example
      	var A = dojo.declare(null, {
      		// constructor, properties, and methods go here
      		// ...
      	var B = dojo.declare(null, {
      		// constructor, properties, and methods go here
      		// ...
      	var C = dojo.declare([A, B], {
      		// constructor, properties, and methods go here
      		// ...
      	var D = dojo.declare(A, {
      		// constructor, properties, and methods go here
      		// ...
      	var a = new A(), b = new B(), c = new C(), d = new D();
      	console.log(a.isInstanceOf(A)); // true
      	console.log(b.isInstanceOf(A)); // false
      	console.log(c.isInstanceOf(A)); // true
      	console.log(d.isInstanceOf(A)); // true
      	console.log(a.isInstanceOf(B)); // false
      	console.log(b.isInstanceOf(B)); // true
      	console.log(c.isInstanceOf(B)); // true
      	console.log(d.isInstanceOf(B)); // false
      	console.log(a.isInstanceOf(C)); // false
      	console.log(b.isInstanceOf(C)); // false
      	console.log(c.isInstanceOf(C)); // true
      	console.log(d.isInstanceOf(C)); // false
      	console.log(a.isInstanceOf(D)); // false
      	console.log(b.isInstanceOf(D)); // false
      	console.log(c.isInstanceOf(D)); // false
      	console.log(d.isInstanceOf(D)); // true
    • type
  • Object.extend

    • parameters:
      • source: (typeof Object)
        Source object which properties are going to be copied to the
        constructor's prototype.
    • summary
      Adds all properties and methods of source to constructor's
      prototype, making them available to all instances created with
      constructor. This method is specific to constructors created with
    • description
      Adds source properties to the constructor's prototype. It can
      override existing properties.
      This method is similar to dojo.extend function, but it is specific
      to constructors produced by dojo.declare. It is implemented
      using dojo.safeMixin, and it skips a constructor property,
      and properly decorates copied functions.
    • example
      	var A = dojo.declare(null, {
      		m1: function(){},
      		s1: "Popokatepetl"
      		m1: function(){},
      		m2: function(){},
      		f1: true,
      		d1: 42
    • type
  • dojo._base.declare

    • type
  • dojo._base

    • type