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- dojox/form/FilePickerTextBox.js
- dojox/form/FileUploader.js
- dojox/form/ListInput.js
- dojox/form/Manager.js
- dojox/form/MultiComboBox.js
- dojox/form/PasswordValidator.js
- dojox/form/RadioStack.js
- dojox/form/RangeSlider.js
- dojox/form/Rating.js
- dojox/form/TimeSpinner.js
- dojox/form/Uploader.js
- dojox/form/_FormSelectWidget.js
- dojox/form/_HasDropDown.js
- dojox/form/_SelectStackMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_ClassMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_DisplayMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_EnableMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_FormMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_Mixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_NodeMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_ValueMixin.js
- dojox/form/uploader/Base.js
- dojox/form/uploader/FileList.js
- dojox/form/uploader/plugins/Flash.js
- dojox/form/uploader/plugins/HTML5.js
- dojox/form/uploader/plugins/IFrame.js
- dojox/fx/Shadow.js
- dojox/fx/Timeline.js
- dojox/fx/_arg.js
- dojox/fx/_base.js
- dojox/fx/_core.js
- dojox/fx/easing.js
- dojox/fx/ext-dojo/NodeList-style.js
- dojox/fx/ext-dojo/NodeList.js
- dojox/fx/ext-dojo/complex.js
- dojox/fx/ext-dojo/reverse.js
- dojox/fx/flip.js
- dojox/fx/scroll.js
- dojox/fx/split.js
- dojox/fx/style.js
- dojox/fx/text.js
- dojox/fx.js
- dojox/gantt/GanttChart.js
- dojox/gantt/GanttProjectItem.js
- dojox/gantt/GanttResourceItem.js
- dojox/gantt/GanttTaskItem.js
- dojox/gantt/TabMenu.js
- dojox/geo/charting/Map.js
- dojox/geo/charting/_Feature.js
- dojox/geo/charting/_Marker.js
- dojox/geo/charting/_base.js
- dojox/geo/charting/widget/Legend.js
- dojox/gfx/Moveable.js
- dojox/gfx/Mover.js
- dojox/gfx/VectorText.js
- dojox/gfx/_base.js
- dojox/gfx/arc.js
- dojox/gfx/attach.js
- dojox/gfx/canvas.js
- dojox/gfx/canvas_attach.js
- dojox/gfx/decompose.js
- dojox/gfx/fx.js
- dojox/gfx/gradient.js
- dojox/gfx/gradutils.js
- dojox/gfx/matrix.js
- dojox/gfx/move.js
- dojox/gfx/path.js
- dojox/gfx/shape.js
- dojox/gfx/silverlight.js
- dojox/gfx/silverlight_attach.js
- dojox/gfx/svg.js
- dojox/gfx/svg_attach.js
- dojox/gfx/utils.js
- dojox/gfx/vml.js
- dojox/gfx/vml_attach.js
- dojox/gfx.js
- dojox/gfx3d/_base.js
- dojox/gfx3d/gradient.js
- dojox/gfx3d/lighting.js
- dojox/gfx3d/matrix.js
- dojox/gfx3d/object.js
- dojox/gfx3d/scheduler.js
- dojox/gfx3d/vector.js
- dojox/gfx3d.js
- dojox/grid/DataGrid.js
- dojox/grid/DataSelection.js
- dojox/grid/EnhancedGrid.js
- dojox/grid/LazyTreeGrid.js
- dojox/grid/LazyTreeGridStoreModel.js
- dojox/grid/Selection.js
- dojox/grid/TreeGrid.js
- dojox/grid/TreeSelection.js
- dojox/grid/_Builder.js
- dojox/grid/_CheckBoxSelector.js
- dojox/grid/_EditManager.js
- dojox/grid/_Events.js
- dojox/grid/_FocusManager.js
- dojox/grid/_Grid.js
- dojox/grid/_Layout.js
- dojox/grid/_RadioSelector.js
- dojox/grid/_RowManager.js
- dojox/grid/_RowSelector.js
- dojox/grid/_Scroller.js
- dojox/grid/_Selector.js
- dojox/grid/_TreeView.js
- dojox/grid/_View.js
- dojox/grid/_ViewManager.js
- dojox/grid/cells/_base.js
- dojox/grid/cells/dijit.js
- dojox/grid/cells/tree.js
- dojox/grid/cells.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/_Events.js
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- dojox/grid/enhanced/_Plugin.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/_PluginManager.js
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- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Cookie.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Dialog.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/DnD.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Exporter.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Filter.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/GridSource.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/IndirectSelection.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Menu.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/NestedSorting.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Pagination.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Printer.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Rearrange.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Search.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Selector.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/_RowMapLayer.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/_SelectionPreserver.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/_StoreLayer.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/exporter/CSVWriter.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/exporter/TableWriter.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/exporter/_ExportWriter.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/ClearFilterConfirm.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterBar.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterBuilder.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterDefDialog.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterLayer.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterStatusTip.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/_ConditionExpr.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/_DataExprs.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/_FilterExpr.js
- dojox/grid/util.js
- dojox/help/_base.js
- dojox/help/console.js
- dojox/highlight/_base.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/_all.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/_dynamic.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/_static.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/_www.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/cpp.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/css.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/delphi.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/django.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/groovy.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/html.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/java.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/javascript.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/_html.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/_www.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/css.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/html.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/javascript.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/xml.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/python.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/sql.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/xml.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/xquery.js
- dojox/highlight/widget/Code.js
- dojox/highlight.js
- dojox/html/_base.js
- dojox/html/ellipsis.js
- dojox/html/entities.js
- dojox/html/ext-dojo/style.js
- dojox/html/format.js
- dojox/html/metrics.js
- dojox/html/styles.js
- dojox/html.js
- dojox/image/Badge.js
- dojox/image/FlickrBadge.js
- dojox/image/Gallery.js
- dojox/image/Lightbox.js
- dojox/image/LightboxNano.js
- dojox/image/Magnifier.js
- dojox/image/MagnifierLite.js
- dojox/image/SlideShow.js
- dojox/image/ThumbnailPicker.js
- dojox/image/_base.js
- dojox/image.js
- dojox/io/OAuth.js
- dojox/io/httpParse.js
- dojox/io/proxy/xip.js
- dojox/io/scriptFrame.js
- dojox/io/windowName.js
- dojox/io/xhrMultiPart.js
- dojox/io/xhrPlugins.js
- dojox/io/xhrScriptPlugin.js
- dojox/io/xhrWindowNamePlugin.js
- dojox/jq.js
- dojox/json/query.js
- dojox/json/ref.js
- dojox/json/schema.js
- dojox/jsonPath/query.js
- dojox/jsonPath.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/cflow.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/counter.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/memoizer.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/memoizerGuard.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/profiler.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/timer.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/tracer.js
- dojox/lang/aspect.js
- dojox/lang/async/event.js
- dojox/lang/async/timeout.js
- dojox/lang/async/topic.js
- dojox/lang/async.js
- dojox/lang/docs.js
- dojox/lang/functional/array.js
- dojox/lang/functional/binrec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/curry.js
- dojox/lang/functional/fold.js
- dojox/lang/functional/lambda.js
- dojox/lang/functional/linrec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/listcomp.js
- dojox/lang/functional/multirec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/numrec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/object.js
- dojox/lang/functional/reversed.js
- dojox/lang/functional/scan.js
- dojox/lang/functional/sequence.js
- dojox/lang/functional/tailrec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/util.js
- dojox/lang/functional/zip.js
- dojox/lang/functional.js
- dojox/lang/observable.js
- dojox/lang/oo/Decorator.js
- dojox/lang/oo/Filter.js
- dojox/lang/oo/aop.js
- dojox/lang/oo/general.js
- dojox/lang/oo/mixin.js
- dojox/lang/oo/rearrange.js
- dojox/lang/typed.js
- dojox/lang/utils.js
- dojox/layout/BorderContainer.js
- dojox/layout/ContentPane.js
- dojox/layout/DragPane.js
- dojox/layout/ExpandoPane.js
- dojox/layout/FloatingPane.js
- dojox/layout/GridContainer.js
- dojox/layout/GridContainerLite.js
- dojox/layout/RadioGroup.js
- dojox/layout/ResizeHandle.js
- dojox/layout/RotatorContainer.js
- dojox/layout/ScrollPane.js
- dojox/layout/TableContainer.js
- dojox/layout/ToggleSplitter.js
- dojox/layout/dnd/Avatar.js
- dojox/layout/dnd/PlottedDnd.js
- dojox/layout/ext-dijit/layout/StackContainer-touch.js
- dojox/math/BigInteger-ext.js
- dojox/math/BigInteger.js
- dojox/math/_base.js
- dojox/math/curves.js
- dojox/math/matrix.js
- dojox/math/random/Secure.js
- dojox/math/random/Simple.js
- dojox/math/random/prng4.js
- dojox/math/round.js
- dojox/math/stats.js
- dojox/math.js
- dojox/mdnd/AreaManager.js
- dojox/mdnd/AutoScroll.js
- dojox/mdnd/DropIndicator.js
- dojox/mdnd/LazyManager.js
- dojox/mdnd/Moveable.js
- dojox/mdnd/PureSource.js
- dojox/mdnd/adapter/DndFromDojo.js
- dojox/mdnd/adapter/DndToDojo.js
- dojox/mdnd/dropMode/DefaultDropMode.js
- dojox/mdnd/dropMode/OverDropMode.js
- dojox/mdnd/dropMode/VerticalDropMode.js
- dojox/mobile/FixedSplitter.js
- dojox/mobile/FlippableView.js
- dojox/mobile/IconContainer.js
- dojox/mobile/ScrollableView.js
- dojox/mobile/TabBar.js
- dojox/mobile/TabContainer.js
- dojox/mobile/_ScrollableMixin.js
- dojox/mobile/_base.js
- dojox/mobile/app/AlertDialog.js
- dojox/mobile/app/ImageThumbView.js
- dojox/mobile/app/ImageView.js
- dojox/mobile/app/List.js
- dojox/mobile/app/ListSelector.js
- dojox/mobile/app/SceneAssistant.js
- dojox/mobile/app/SceneController.js
- dojox/mobile/app/StageController.js
- dojox/mobile/app/TextBox.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_FormWidget.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_Widget.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_base.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_event.js
- dojox/mobile/app/compat.js
- dojox/mobile/app.js
- dojox/mobile/compat.js
- dojox/mobile/parser.js
- dojox/mobile/scrollable.js
- dojox/mobile.js
- dojox/rails.js
- dojox/resources/_modules.js
- dojox/robot/recorder.js
- dojox/rpc/Client.js
- dojox/rpc/JsonRPC.js
- dojox/rpc/JsonRest.js
- dojox/rpc/OfflineRest.js
- dojox/rpc/ProxiedPath.js
- dojox/rpc/Rest.js
- dojox/rpc/Service.js
- dojox/secure/DOM.js
- dojox/secure/capability.js
- dojox/secure/fromJson.js
- dojox/secure/sandbox.js
- dojox/sketch/Anchor.js
- dojox/sketch/Annotation.js
- dojox/sketch/DoubleArrowAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/Figure.js
- dojox/sketch/LeadAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/PreexistingAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/SingleArrowAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/Slider.js
- dojox/sketch/Toolbar.js
- dojox/sketch/UnderlineAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/UndoStack.js
- dojox/sketch/_Plugin.js
- dojox/sketch.js
- dojox/socket/Reconnect.js
- dojox/socket.js
- dojox/sql/_base.js
- dojox/sql/_crypto.js
- dojox/sql.js
- dojox/storage/AirDBStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/AirEncryptedLocalStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/AirFileStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/BehaviorStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/CookieStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/FlashStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/GearsStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/LocalStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/Provider.js
- dojox/storage/WhatWGStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/_common.js
- dojox/storage/manager.js
- dojox/storage.js
- dojox/string/BidiComplex.js
- dojox/string/Builder.js
- dojox/string/sprintf.js
- dojox/string/tokenize.js
- dojox/testing/DocTest.js
- dojox/timing/Sequence.js
- dojox/timing/Streamer.js
- dojox/timing/ThreadPool.js
- dojox/timing/_base.js
- dojox/timing/doLater.js
- dojox/timing.js
- dojox/uuid/Uuid.js
- dojox/uuid/_base.js
- dojox/uuid/generateRandomUuid.js
- dojox/uuid/generateTimeBasedUuid.js
- dojox/uuid.js
- dojox/validate/_base.js
- dojox/validate/br.js
- dojox/validate/ca.js
- dojox/validate/check.js
- dojox/validate/creditCard.js
- dojox/validate/isbn.js
- dojox/validate/regexp.js
- dojox/validate/us.js
- dojox/validate/web.js
- dojox/validate.js
- dojox/widget/AnalogGauge.js
- dojox/widget/AutoRotator.js
- dojox/widget/BarGauge.js
- dojox/widget/Calendar.js
- dojox/widget/CalendarFx.js
- dojox/widget/CalendarViews.js
- dojox/widget/ColorPicker.js
- dojox/widget/DataPresentation.js
- dojox/widget/Dialog.js
- dojox/widget/DialogSimple.js
- dojox/widget/DocTester.js
- dojox/widget/DynamicTooltip.js
- dojox/widget/FeedPortlet.js
- dojox/widget/FilePicker.js
- dojox/widget/FisheyeList.js
- dojox/widget/FisheyeLite.js
- dojox/widget/Iterator.js
- dojox/widget/Loader.js
- dojox/widget/Pager.js
- dojox/widget/PlaceholderMenuItem.js
- dojox/widget/Portlet.js
- dojox/widget/Roller.js
- dojox/widget/RollingList.js
- dojox/widget/Rotator.js
- dojox/widget/SortList.js
- dojox/widget/Standby.js
- dojox/widget/TitleGroup.js
- dojox/widget/Toaster.js
- dojox/widget/UpgradeBar.js
- dojox/widget/Wizard.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/AnalogArcIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/AnalogArrowIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/AnalogNeedleIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/BarIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/_Gauge.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Controller.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Fade.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Pan.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/PanFade.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Slide.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/ThumbnailController.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Wipe.js
- dojox/wire/CompositeWire.js
- dojox/wire/DataWire.js
- dojox/wire/TableAdapter.js
- dojox/wire/TextAdapter.js
- dojox/wire/TreeAdapter.js
- dojox/wire/Wire.js
- dojox/wire/XmlWire.js
- dojox/wire/_base.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Action.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Data.js
- dojox/wire/ml/DataStore.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Invocation.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Service.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Transfer.js
- dojox/wire/ml/util.js
- dojox/wire.js
- dojox/xml/DomParser.js
- dojox/xml/Script.js
- dojox/xml/parser.js
- dojox/xml/widgetParser.js
- dojox/xmpp/ChatService.js
- dojox/xmpp/PresenceService.js
- dojox/xmpp/RosterService.js
- dojox/xmpp/TransportSession.js
- dojox/xmpp/UserService.js
- dojox/xmpp/bosh.js
- dojox/xmpp/sasl.js
- dojox/xmpp/util.js
- dojox/xmpp/widget/ChatSession.js
- dojox/xmpp/xmppSession.js
- dojox.atom.widget.FeedEntryEditor
- dojox.atom.widget.FeedEntryViewer in common
- dijit._Widget in common
- dijit._Templated in common
- dijit._Container in common
- dijit.Editor in common
- dijit.form.TextBox in common
- dijit.form.SimpleTextarea in common
- type
- chains:
- dojox.atom.widget.FeedEntryViewer: (prototype)
- dojox.atom.widget.FeedEntryViewer: (call)
- summary
An ATOM feed entry editor that allows viewing of the individual attributes of an entry.
- description
An ATOM feed entry editor that allows viewing of the individual attributes of an entry. Flag denoting if the current entry is editable or not.
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- parameters:
- entry: (typeof object)
Instance of dojox.atom.io.model.Entry to display for reading/editing.
- feed: (typeof object)
- leaveMenuState: (typeof boolean)
- entry: (typeof object)
- summary
Function to set the current entry that is being edited.
- description
Function to set the current entry that is being edited.
- type
- parameters:
- type
- type
- summary
Internal function for toggling/enabling the display of edit mode
- description
Internal function for toggling/enabling the display of edit mode
- return_summary
- type
- summary
- parameters:
- entrySelectionEvent: (typeof object)
The topic message containing the entry that was selected for view.
- entrySelectionEvent: (typeof object)
- summary
Internal function for listening to a topic that will handle entry notification.
- description
Internal function for listening to a topic that will handle entry notification.
- return_summary
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- entry: (typeof object)
The dojox.atom.io.model.Entry object to examine
- entry: (typeof object)
- summary
Internal function for determining of a particular entry is editable.
- description
Internal function for determining of a particular entry is editable. This is used for determining if the delete action should be displayed or not.
- return_summary
Boolean denoting if the entry seems editable or not..
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- titleAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the title data to.
- editMode: (typeof boolean)
Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- titleAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the title node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the title node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- type
- type
- type
- type
- parameters:
- authorsAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the author data to.
- editMode: (typeof boolean)
Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- authorsAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the author node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the author node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- type
- type
- parameters:
- contributorsAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the contributor data to.
- editMode: (typeof boolean)
Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- contributorsAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the contributor node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the contributor node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- type
- type
- parameters:
- idAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the ID data to.
- editMode: (typeof boolean)
Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- idAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the ID node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the ID node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- type
- type
- parameters:
- updatedAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the udpated data to.
- editMode: (typeof boolean)
Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- updatedAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the updated node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the updated node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- type
- type
- parameters:
- summaryAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the summary data to.
- editMode: (typeof boolean)
Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- summaryAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the summary node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the summary node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- type
- type
- parameters:
- contentAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- editMode: (typeof boolean)
Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- contentAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the content node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the content node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. summaryAnchorNode: The DOM node to attach the content data to.
- type
- parameters:
- type
- type
- parameters:
- anchorNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the editor widget to.
- node: (typeof DOM)
An object containing the value to be put into the editor. This ranges from an anonymous object with a value parameter to a dojox.atom.io.model.Content object.
- multiline: (typeof boolean)
A boolean indicating whether the content should be multiline (such as a textarea) instead of a single line (such as a textbox).
- rte: (typeof object)
A boolean indicating whether the content should be a rich text editor widget.
- anchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to create an appropriate text editor widget based on the given parameters.
- description
Function to create an appropriate text editor widget based on the given parameters.
- return_summary
Either a widget (for textarea or textbox widgets) or an anonymous object to be used to create a rich text area widget.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- event: (typeof object)
The event generated by the change in the select box on the page.
- event: (typeof object)
- summary
Function to switch between editor types.
- description
Function to switch between a rich text editor and a textarea widget. Used for title, summary, And content when switching between text and html/xhtml content.
- type
- parameters:
- type
- type
- parameters:
- anchorNode: (typeof DOM)
The node to attach the editor to.
- node: (typeof DOM)
An object containing the value to be put into the editor. Typically, this is an dojox.atom.io.model.Person object.
- anchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Creates a People Editor widget and returns it.
- description
Creates a People Editor widget, sets its value, and returns it.
- return_summary
A new People Editor object.
- type
- parameters:
- summary
Saves edits submitted when the 'save' button is pressed.
- description
Saves edits submitted when the 'save' button is pressed. Distinguishes between new and existing entries and saves appropriately. Fetches the values of the editors, and, if existing, compares them to the existing values and submits the updates, otherwise creates a new entry and posts it as a new entry.
- return_summary
- type
- summary
- type
- type
- parameters:
- entry: (typeof object)
dojox.atom.io.model.Entry object The entry that was saved. Location: String A URL to be used, not used here, but part of the call back from the AtomIO
- location: (typeof string)
- entry: (typeof object)
- summary
Function for handling the save of an entry, cleaning up the display after the edit is completed.
- description
Function for handling the save of an entry, cleaning up the display after the edit is completed.
- return_summary
Nothing. Close the editor and revert out.
- type
- parameters:
- summary
Cancels edits and reverts the editor to its previous state (display mode)
- description
Cancels edits and reverts the editor to its previous state (display mode)
- return_summary
- type
- summary
- summary
Clears the editor, destorys all editors, leaving the editor completely clear
- description
Clears the editor, destorys all editors, leaving the editor completely clear
- type
- summary
- type
- type
- parameters:
- html: (typeof string)
HTML string to be enforced as xhtml.
- html: (typeof string)
- summary
Function for cleaning up/enforcing the XHTML standard in HTML returned from the editor2 widget.
- description
Function for cleaning up/enforcing the XHTML standard in HTML returned from the editor2 widget.
- return_summary
string of cleaned up HTML.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- xhtml: (typeof string)
String XHTML string which needs the closing tag.
- tag: (typeof string)
The tag to close.
- xhtml: (typeof string)
- summary
Function for closing tags in a text of HTML/XHTML
- description
Function for closing tags in a text of HTML/XHTML
- return_summary
string of cleaned up HTML. NOTE: Probably should redo this function in a more efficient way. This could get expensive.
- type
- parameters:
- summary
Function to put the editor into a state to create a new entry.
- description
Function to put the editor into a state to create a new entry.
- type
- summary
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- summary
Function to display the appropriate sections based on validity.
- description
Function to display the appropriate sections based on validity.
- type
- summary
- type
- chains:
- dijit._Widget: (prototype)
- dijit._Templated.prototype: (prototype)
- dijit._Container.prototype: (prototype)
- dijit._Widget: (call)
- dijit._Templated: (call)
- dijit._Container: (call)
- summary
An editor for dojox.atom.io.model.Person objects.
- description
An editor for dojox.atom.io.model.Person objects. Displays multiple rows for the respective arrays of people. Can add/remove rows on the fly.
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- parameters:
- name: (typeof string)
The name of this Person.
- email: (typeof string)
The email of this Person.
- uri: (typeof string)
The Person's URI.
- index: (typeof int)
The row index to use for this Person.
- widgetName: (typeof string)
- name: (typeof string)
- summary
creates editor boxes (textbox widgets) for the individual values of a Person.
- description
creates editor boxes (textbox widgets) for the individual values of a Person.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- value: (typeof string)
The initial value of the textbox
- id: (typeof string)
The id the textbox should have.
- name: (typeof string)
The text to put in the label element for this textbox.
- labelNode: (typeof DOM)
The node to attach the label to.
- node: (typeof DOM)
The node to attach the editor rows to.
- value: (typeof string)
- summary
Creates an individual editor widget (textbox) for a value.
- description
Creates an individual editor widget (textbox) for a value.
- return_summary
Editor widget.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- event: (typeof object)
The event generated when the remove button is pressed on the page.
- event: (typeof object)
- summary
Removes a Person from our list of editors.
- description
Removes a Person from our list of editors by removing the block of editors that make up that Person.
- type
- parameters:
- summary
Adds a new block of blank editors to represent a Person.
- description
Adds a new block of blank editors to represent a Person.
- type
- summary
- summary
Gets the values of this editor in an array.
- description
Gets the values of this editor in an array, with each Person as an object within the array.
- return_summary
An array of anonymous objects representing dojox.atom.io.model.Persons.
- type
- summary
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type