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- dojox/form/FilePickerTextBox.js
- dojox/form/FileUploader.js
- dojox/form/ListInput.js
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- dojox/form/MultiComboBox.js
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- dojox/form/RadioStack.js
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- dojox/form/Rating.js
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- dojox/fx/ext-dojo/reverse.js
- dojox/fx/flip.js
- dojox/fx/scroll.js
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- dojox/fx.js
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- dojox/gfx3d.js
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- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/_FilterExpr.js
- dojox/grid/util.js
- dojox/help/_base.js
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- dojox/highlight/languages/delphi.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/django.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/groovy.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/html.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/java.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/javascript.js
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- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/html.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/javascript.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/xml.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/python.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/sql.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/xml.js
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- dojox/highlight.js
- dojox/html/_base.js
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- dojox/html/styles.js
- dojox/html.js
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- dojox/image/_base.js
- dojox/image.js
- dojox/io/OAuth.js
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- dojox/lang/async.js
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- dojox/lang/functional/fold.js
- dojox/lang/functional/lambda.js
- dojox/lang/functional/linrec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/listcomp.js
- dojox/lang/functional/multirec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/numrec.js
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- dojox/lang/functional/reversed.js
- dojox/lang/functional/scan.js
- dojox/lang/functional/sequence.js
- dojox/lang/functional/tailrec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/util.js
- dojox/lang/functional/zip.js
- dojox/lang/functional.js
- dojox/lang/observable.js
- dojox/lang/oo/Decorator.js
- dojox/lang/oo/Filter.js
- dojox/lang/oo/aop.js
- dojox/lang/oo/general.js
- dojox/lang/oo/mixin.js
- dojox/lang/oo/rearrange.js
- dojox/lang/typed.js
- dojox/lang/utils.js
- dojox/layout/BorderContainer.js
- dojox/layout/ContentPane.js
- dojox/layout/DragPane.js
- dojox/layout/ExpandoPane.js
- dojox/layout/FloatingPane.js
- dojox/layout/GridContainer.js
- dojox/layout/GridContainerLite.js
- dojox/layout/RadioGroup.js
- dojox/layout/ResizeHandle.js
- dojox/layout/RotatorContainer.js
- dojox/layout/ScrollPane.js
- dojox/layout/TableContainer.js
- dojox/layout/ToggleSplitter.js
- dojox/layout/dnd/Avatar.js
- dojox/layout/dnd/PlottedDnd.js
- dojox/layout/ext-dijit/layout/StackContainer-touch.js
- dojox/math/BigInteger-ext.js
- dojox/math/BigInteger.js
- dojox/math/_base.js
- dojox/math/curves.js
- dojox/math/matrix.js
- dojox/math/random/Secure.js
- dojox/math/random/Simple.js
- dojox/math/random/prng4.js
- dojox/math/round.js
- dojox/math/stats.js
- dojox/math.js
- dojox/mdnd/AreaManager.js
- dojox/mdnd/AutoScroll.js
- dojox/mdnd/DropIndicator.js
- dojox/mdnd/LazyManager.js
- dojox/mdnd/Moveable.js
- dojox/mdnd/PureSource.js
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- dojox/mdnd/adapter/DndToDojo.js
- dojox/mdnd/dropMode/DefaultDropMode.js
- dojox/mdnd/dropMode/OverDropMode.js
- dojox/mdnd/dropMode/VerticalDropMode.js
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- dojox/mobile/TabContainer.js
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- dojox/mobile/app/ImageView.js
- dojox/mobile/app/List.js
- dojox/mobile/app/ListSelector.js
- dojox/mobile/app/SceneAssistant.js
- dojox/mobile/app/SceneController.js
- dojox/mobile/app/StageController.js
- dojox/mobile/app/TextBox.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_FormWidget.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_Widget.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_base.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_event.js
- dojox/mobile/app/compat.js
- dojox/mobile/app.js
- dojox/mobile/compat.js
- dojox/mobile/parser.js
- dojox/mobile/scrollable.js
- dojox/mobile.js
- dojox/rails.js
- dojox/resources/_modules.js
- dojox/robot/recorder.js
- dojox/rpc/Client.js
- dojox/rpc/JsonRPC.js
- dojox/rpc/JsonRest.js
- dojox/rpc/OfflineRest.js
- dojox/rpc/ProxiedPath.js
- dojox/rpc/Rest.js
- dojox/rpc/Service.js
- dojox/secure/DOM.js
- dojox/secure/capability.js
- dojox/secure/fromJson.js
- dojox/secure/sandbox.js
- dojox/sketch/Anchor.js
- dojox/sketch/Annotation.js
- dojox/sketch/DoubleArrowAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/Figure.js
- dojox/sketch/LeadAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/PreexistingAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/SingleArrowAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/Slider.js
- dojox/sketch/Toolbar.js
- dojox/sketch/UnderlineAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/UndoStack.js
- dojox/sketch/_Plugin.js
- dojox/sketch.js
- dojox/socket/Reconnect.js
- dojox/socket.js
- dojox/sql/_base.js
- dojox/sql/_crypto.js
- dojox/sql.js
- dojox/storage/AirDBStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/AirEncryptedLocalStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/AirFileStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/BehaviorStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/CookieStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/FlashStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/GearsStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/LocalStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/Provider.js
- dojox/storage/WhatWGStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/_common.js
- dojox/storage/manager.js
- dojox/storage.js
- dojox/string/BidiComplex.js
- dojox/string/Builder.js
- dojox/string/sprintf.js
- dojox/string/tokenize.js
- dojox/testing/DocTest.js
- dojox/timing/Sequence.js
- dojox/timing/Streamer.js
- dojox/timing/ThreadPool.js
- dojox/timing/_base.js
- dojox/timing/doLater.js
- dojox/timing.js
- dojox/uuid/Uuid.js
- dojox/uuid/_base.js
- dojox/uuid/generateRandomUuid.js
- dojox/uuid/generateTimeBasedUuid.js
- dojox/uuid.js
- dojox/validate/_base.js
- dojox/validate/br.js
- dojox/validate/ca.js
- dojox/validate/check.js
- dojox/validate/creditCard.js
- dojox/validate/isbn.js
- dojox/validate/regexp.js
- dojox/validate/us.js
- dojox/validate/web.js
- dojox/validate.js
- dojox/widget/AnalogGauge.js
- dojox/widget/AutoRotator.js
- dojox/widget/BarGauge.js
- dojox/widget/Calendar.js
- dojox/widget/CalendarFx.js
- dojox/widget/CalendarViews.js
- dojox/widget/ColorPicker.js
- dojox/widget/DataPresentation.js
- dojox/widget/Dialog.js
- dojox/widget/DialogSimple.js
- dojox/widget/DocTester.js
- dojox/widget/DynamicTooltip.js
- dojox/widget/FeedPortlet.js
- dojox/widget/FilePicker.js
- dojox/widget/FisheyeList.js
- dojox/widget/FisheyeLite.js
- dojox/widget/Iterator.js
- dojox/widget/Loader.js
- dojox/widget/Pager.js
- dojox/widget/PlaceholderMenuItem.js
- dojox/widget/Portlet.js
- dojox/widget/Roller.js
- dojox/widget/RollingList.js
- dojox/widget/Rotator.js
- dojox/widget/SortList.js
- dojox/widget/Standby.js
- dojox/widget/TitleGroup.js
- dojox/widget/Toaster.js
- dojox/widget/UpgradeBar.js
- dojox/widget/Wizard.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/AnalogArcIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/AnalogArrowIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/AnalogNeedleIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/BarIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/_Gauge.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Controller.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Fade.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Pan.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/PanFade.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Slide.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/ThumbnailController.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Wipe.js
- dojox/wire/CompositeWire.js
- dojox/wire/DataWire.js
- dojox/wire/TableAdapter.js
- dojox/wire/TextAdapter.js
- dojox/wire/TreeAdapter.js
- dojox/wire/Wire.js
- dojox/wire/XmlWire.js
- dojox/wire/_base.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Action.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Data.js
- dojox/wire/ml/DataStore.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Invocation.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Service.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Transfer.js
- dojox/wire/ml/util.js
- dojox/wire.js
- dojox/xml/DomParser.js
- dojox/xml/Script.js
- dojox/xml/parser.js
- dojox/xml/widgetParser.js
- dojox/xmpp/ChatService.js
- dojox/xmpp/PresenceService.js
- dojox/xmpp/RosterService.js
- dojox/xmpp/TransportSession.js
- dojox/xmpp/UserService.js
- dojox/xmpp/bosh.js
- dojox/xmpp/sasl.js
- dojox/xmpp/util.js
- dojox/xmpp/widget/ChatSession.js
- dojox/xmpp/xmppSession.js
- dojox.atom.widget.FeedEntryViewer
- dojo.fx in common
- dijit._Widget in common
- dijit._Templated in common
- dijit._Container in common
- dijit.layout.ContentPane in common
- dojox.atom.io.Connection in common
- type
- chains:
- dijit._Widget: (prototype)
- dijit._Templated.prototype: (prototype)
- dijit._Container.prototype: (prototype)
- dijit._Widget: (call)
- dijit._Templated: (call)
- dijit._Container: (call)
- summary
An ATOM feed entry editor for publishing updated ATOM entries, or viewing non-editable entries.
- description
An ATOM feed entry editor for publishing updated ATOM entries, or viewing non-editable entries. The topic to listen on for entries to edit.
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- summary
Function to clear the state of the widget.
- description
Function to clear the state of the widget.
- type
- summary
- summary
Function to clear all the display nodes for the ATOM entry from the viewer.
- description
Function to clear all the display nodes for the ATOM entry from the viewer.
- type
- summary
- parameters:
- entry: (typeof object)
Instance of dojox.atom.io.model.Entry to display for reading/editing.
- feed: (typeof object)
- leaveMenuState: (typeof boolean)
- entry: (typeof object)
- summary
Function to set the current entry that is being edited.
- description
Function to set the current entry that is being edited.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- titleHeaderNode: (typeof DOM)
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- titleHeaderNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the title header node in the template to some value.
- description
Function to set the contents of the title header node in the template to some value. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. titleAchorNode: The DOM node to attach the title data to. editMode: Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- titleAnchorNode
- editMode: (typeof Boolean)
to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- entry: (typeof The)
Feed Entry to work with.
- summary
Function to set the contents of the title node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the title node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. titleAchorNode: The DOM node to attach the title data to.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- authorHeaderNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the author section header data to.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- authorHeaderNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the title format for the authors section of the author row in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the title format for the authors section of the author row in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the author data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- authorsAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- editMode: (typeof boolean)
Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- authorsAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the author node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the author node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. authorsAchorNode: The DOM node to attach the author data to.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- contributorsHeaderNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the contributor title to.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- contributorsHeaderNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the contributor header node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the contributor header node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- contributorsAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the contributor data to.
- editMode: (typeof boolean)
Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- contributorsAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the contributor node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the contributor node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- idHeaderNode: (typeof DOM)
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- idHeaderNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the ID node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the ID node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry. idAnchorNode: The DOM node to attach the ID data to.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- idAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the ID data to.
- editMode: (typeof boolean)
Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- idAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the ID node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the ID node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- updatedHeaderNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the updated header data to.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- updatedHeaderNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the updated header node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the updated header node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- updatedAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the udpated data to.
- editMode: (typeof boolean)
Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- updatedAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the updated node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the updated node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- summaryHeaderNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the summary title to.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- summaryHeaderNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the summary node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the summary node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- summaryAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the summary data to.
- editMode: (typeof boolean)
Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- summaryAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the summary node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the summary node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- contentHeaderNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the content data to.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- contentHeaderNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the content node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the content node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- contentAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
The DOM node to attach the content data to.
- editMode: (typeof boolean)
Boolean to indicate if the display should be in edit mode or not.
- entry: (typeof object)
The Feed Entry to work with.
- contentAnchorNode: (typeof DOM)
- summary
Function to set the contents of the content node in the template to some value from the entry.
- description
Function to set the contents of the content node in the template to some value from the entry. This exists specifically so users can over-ride how the title data is filled out from an entry.
- type
- parameters:
- summary
Internal function for determining which sections of the view to actually display.
- description
Internal function for determining which sections of the view to actually display.
- return_summary
- type
- summary
- parameters:
- sectionsArray: (typeof array)
Array of string names that indicate which sections to display.
- sectionsArray: (typeof array)
- summary
Function for setting which sections of the entry should be displayed.
- description
Function for setting which sections of the entry should be displayed.
- return_summary
- type
- parameters:
- summary
Internal function for setting which checkboxes on the display are selected.
- description
Internal function for setting which checkboxes on the display are selected.
- return_summary
- type
- summary
- summary
Internal function for reading what is currently checked for display and generating the display list from it.
- description
Internal function for reading what is currently checked for display and generating the display list from it.
- return_summary
- type
- summary
- parameters:
- checkBox: (typeof object)
The checkbox object to toggle the selection on.
- checkBox: (typeof object)
- summary
Internal function for determining of a particular entry is editable.
- description
Internal function for determining of a particular entry is editable. This is used for determining if the delete action should be displayed or not.
- return_summary
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- checkBox: (typeof object)
The checkbox object to toggle the selection on.
- checkBox: (typeof object)
- summary
Internal function for determining of a particular entry is editable.
- description
Internal function for determining of a particular entry is editable. This is used for determining if the delete action should be displayed or not.
- return_summary
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- entrySelectionEvent: (typeof object)
The topic message containing the entry that was selected for view.
- entrySelectionEvent: (typeof object)
- summary
Internal function for listening to a topic that will handle entry notification.
- description
Internal function for listening to a topic that will handle entry notification.
- return_summary
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- field: (typeof string)
The field name to set the valid parameter on. Such as 'content', 'id', etc.
- isValid: (typeof boolean)
Flag denoting if the field is valid or not.
- field: (typeof string)
- summary
Function to set whether a field in the view is valid and displayable.
- description
Function to set whether a field in the view is valid and displayable. This is needed for over-riding of the set* functions and customization of how data is displayed in the attach point. So if custom implementations use their own display logic, they can still enable the field.
- return_summary
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- field: (typeof string)
The field name to get the valid parameter of. Such as 'content', 'id', etc.
- field: (typeof string)
- summary
Function to return if a displayable field is valid or not
- description
Function to return if a displayable field is valid or not
- return_summary
boolean denoting if the field is valid and set.
- type
- parameters:
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- chains:
- dijit._Widget: (prototype)
- dijit._Templated.prototype: (prototype)
- dijit._Container.prototype: (prototype)
- dijit._Widget: (call)
- dijit._Templated: (call)
- dijit._Container: (call)
- summary
Widget representing a header in a FeedEntryViewer/Editor
- description
Widget representing a header in a FeedEntryViewer/Editor
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- parameters:
- title: (typeof string)
- type
- parameters:
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type