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- dojox/form/FilePickerTextBox.js
- dojox/form/FileUploader.js
- dojox/form/ListInput.js
- dojox/form/Manager.js
- dojox/form/MultiComboBox.js
- dojox/form/PasswordValidator.js
- dojox/form/RadioStack.js
- dojox/form/RangeSlider.js
- dojox/form/Rating.js
- dojox/form/TimeSpinner.js
- dojox/form/Uploader.js
- dojox/form/_FormSelectWidget.js
- dojox/form/_HasDropDown.js
- dojox/form/_SelectStackMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_ClassMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_DisplayMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_EnableMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_FormMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_Mixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_NodeMixin.js
- dojox/form/manager/_ValueMixin.js
- dojox/form/uploader/Base.js
- dojox/form/uploader/FileList.js
- dojox/form/uploader/plugins/Flash.js
- dojox/form/uploader/plugins/HTML5.js
- dojox/form/uploader/plugins/IFrame.js
- dojox/fx/Shadow.js
- dojox/fx/Timeline.js
- dojox/fx/_arg.js
- dojox/fx/_base.js
- dojox/fx/_core.js
- dojox/fx/easing.js
- dojox/fx/ext-dojo/NodeList-style.js
- dojox/fx/ext-dojo/NodeList.js
- dojox/fx/ext-dojo/complex.js
- dojox/fx/ext-dojo/reverse.js
- dojox/fx/flip.js
- dojox/fx/scroll.js
- dojox/fx/split.js
- dojox/fx/style.js
- dojox/fx/text.js
- dojox/fx.js
- dojox/gantt/GanttChart.js
- dojox/gantt/GanttProjectItem.js
- dojox/gantt/GanttResourceItem.js
- dojox/gantt/GanttTaskItem.js
- dojox/gantt/TabMenu.js
- dojox/geo/charting/Map.js
- dojox/geo/charting/_Feature.js
- dojox/geo/charting/_Marker.js
- dojox/geo/charting/_base.js
- dojox/geo/charting/widget/Legend.js
- dojox/gfx/Moveable.js
- dojox/gfx/Mover.js
- dojox/gfx/VectorText.js
- dojox/gfx/_base.js
- dojox/gfx/arc.js
- dojox/gfx/attach.js
- dojox/gfx/canvas.js
- dojox/gfx/canvas_attach.js
- dojox/gfx/decompose.js
- dojox/gfx/fx.js
- dojox/gfx/gradient.js
- dojox/gfx/gradutils.js
- dojox/gfx/matrix.js
- dojox/gfx/move.js
- dojox/gfx/path.js
- dojox/gfx/shape.js
- dojox/gfx/silverlight.js
- dojox/gfx/silverlight_attach.js
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- dojox/gfx/svg_attach.js
- dojox/gfx/utils.js
- dojox/gfx/vml.js
- dojox/gfx/vml_attach.js
- dojox/gfx.js
- dojox/gfx3d/_base.js
- dojox/gfx3d/gradient.js
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- dojox/gfx3d/vector.js
- dojox/gfx3d.js
- dojox/grid/DataGrid.js
- dojox/grid/DataSelection.js
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- dojox/grid/LazyTreeGridStoreModel.js
- dojox/grid/Selection.js
- dojox/grid/TreeGrid.js
- dojox/grid/TreeSelection.js
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- dojox/grid/_Grid.js
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- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/GridSource.js
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- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Pagination.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/Printer.js
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- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterBuilder.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterDefDialog.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterLayer.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/FilterStatusTip.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/_ConditionExpr.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/_DataExprs.js
- dojox/grid/enhanced/plugins/filter/_FilterExpr.js
- dojox/grid/util.js
- dojox/help/_base.js
- dojox/help/console.js
- dojox/highlight/_base.js
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- dojox/highlight/languages/_dynamic.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/_static.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/_www.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/cpp.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/css.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/delphi.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/django.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/groovy.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/html.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/java.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/javascript.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/_html.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/_www.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/css.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/html.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/javascript.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/pygments/xml.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/python.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/sql.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/xml.js
- dojox/highlight/languages/xquery.js
- dojox/highlight/widget/Code.js
- dojox/highlight.js
- dojox/html/_base.js
- dojox/html/ellipsis.js
- dojox/html/entities.js
- dojox/html/ext-dojo/style.js
- dojox/html/format.js
- dojox/html/metrics.js
- dojox/html/styles.js
- dojox/html.js
- dojox/image/Badge.js
- dojox/image/FlickrBadge.js
- dojox/image/Gallery.js
- dojox/image/Lightbox.js
- dojox/image/LightboxNano.js
- dojox/image/Magnifier.js
- dojox/image/MagnifierLite.js
- dojox/image/SlideShow.js
- dojox/image/ThumbnailPicker.js
- dojox/image/_base.js
- dojox/image.js
- dojox/io/OAuth.js
- dojox/io/httpParse.js
- dojox/io/proxy/xip.js
- dojox/io/scriptFrame.js
- dojox/io/windowName.js
- dojox/io/xhrMultiPart.js
- dojox/io/xhrPlugins.js
- dojox/io/xhrScriptPlugin.js
- dojox/io/xhrWindowNamePlugin.js
- dojox/jq.js
- dojox/json/query.js
- dojox/json/ref.js
- dojox/json/schema.js
- dojox/jsonPath/query.js
- dojox/jsonPath.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/cflow.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/counter.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/memoizer.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/memoizerGuard.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/profiler.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/timer.js
- dojox/lang/aspect/tracer.js
- dojox/lang/aspect.js
- dojox/lang/async/event.js
- dojox/lang/async/timeout.js
- dojox/lang/async/topic.js
- dojox/lang/async.js
- dojox/lang/docs.js
- dojox/lang/functional/array.js
- dojox/lang/functional/binrec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/curry.js
- dojox/lang/functional/fold.js
- dojox/lang/functional/lambda.js
- dojox/lang/functional/linrec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/listcomp.js
- dojox/lang/functional/multirec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/numrec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/object.js
- dojox/lang/functional/reversed.js
- dojox/lang/functional/scan.js
- dojox/lang/functional/sequence.js
- dojox/lang/functional/tailrec.js
- dojox/lang/functional/util.js
- dojox/lang/functional/zip.js
- dojox/lang/functional.js
- dojox/lang/observable.js
- dojox/lang/oo/Decorator.js
- dojox/lang/oo/Filter.js
- dojox/lang/oo/aop.js
- dojox/lang/oo/general.js
- dojox/lang/oo/mixin.js
- dojox/lang/oo/rearrange.js
- dojox/lang/typed.js
- dojox/lang/utils.js
- dojox/layout/BorderContainer.js
- dojox/layout/ContentPane.js
- dojox/layout/DragPane.js
- dojox/layout/ExpandoPane.js
- dojox/layout/FloatingPane.js
- dojox/layout/GridContainer.js
- dojox/layout/GridContainerLite.js
- dojox/layout/RadioGroup.js
- dojox/layout/ResizeHandle.js
- dojox/layout/RotatorContainer.js
- dojox/layout/ScrollPane.js
- dojox/layout/TableContainer.js
- dojox/layout/ToggleSplitter.js
- dojox/layout/dnd/Avatar.js
- dojox/layout/dnd/PlottedDnd.js
- dojox/layout/ext-dijit/layout/StackContainer-touch.js
- dojox/math/BigInteger-ext.js
- dojox/math/BigInteger.js
- dojox/math/_base.js
- dojox/math/curves.js
- dojox/math/matrix.js
- dojox/math/random/Secure.js
- dojox/math/random/Simple.js
- dojox/math/random/prng4.js
- dojox/math/round.js
- dojox/math/stats.js
- dojox/math.js
- dojox/mdnd/AreaManager.js
- dojox/mdnd/AutoScroll.js
- dojox/mdnd/DropIndicator.js
- dojox/mdnd/LazyManager.js
- dojox/mdnd/Moveable.js
- dojox/mdnd/PureSource.js
- dojox/mdnd/adapter/DndFromDojo.js
- dojox/mdnd/adapter/DndToDojo.js
- dojox/mdnd/dropMode/DefaultDropMode.js
- dojox/mdnd/dropMode/OverDropMode.js
- dojox/mdnd/dropMode/VerticalDropMode.js
- dojox/mobile/FixedSplitter.js
- dojox/mobile/FlippableView.js
- dojox/mobile/IconContainer.js
- dojox/mobile/ScrollableView.js
- dojox/mobile/TabBar.js
- dojox/mobile/TabContainer.js
- dojox/mobile/_ScrollableMixin.js
- dojox/mobile/_base.js
- dojox/mobile/app/AlertDialog.js
- dojox/mobile/app/ImageThumbView.js
- dojox/mobile/app/ImageView.js
- dojox/mobile/app/List.js
- dojox/mobile/app/ListSelector.js
- dojox/mobile/app/SceneAssistant.js
- dojox/mobile/app/SceneController.js
- dojox/mobile/app/StageController.js
- dojox/mobile/app/TextBox.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_FormWidget.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_Widget.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_base.js
- dojox/mobile/app/_event.js
- dojox/mobile/app/compat.js
- dojox/mobile/app.js
- dojox/mobile/compat.js
- dojox/mobile/parser.js
- dojox/mobile/scrollable.js
- dojox/mobile.js
- dojox/rails.js
- dojox/resources/_modules.js
- dojox/robot/recorder.js
- dojox/rpc/Client.js
- dojox/rpc/JsonRPC.js
- dojox/rpc/JsonRest.js
- dojox/rpc/OfflineRest.js
- dojox/rpc/ProxiedPath.js
- dojox/rpc/Rest.js
- dojox/rpc/Service.js
- dojox/secure/DOM.js
- dojox/secure/capability.js
- dojox/secure/fromJson.js
- dojox/secure/sandbox.js
- dojox/sketch/Anchor.js
- dojox/sketch/Annotation.js
- dojox/sketch/DoubleArrowAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/Figure.js
- dojox/sketch/LeadAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/PreexistingAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/SingleArrowAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/Slider.js
- dojox/sketch/Toolbar.js
- dojox/sketch/UnderlineAnnotation.js
- dojox/sketch/UndoStack.js
- dojox/sketch/_Plugin.js
- dojox/sketch.js
- dojox/socket/Reconnect.js
- dojox/socket.js
- dojox/sql/_base.js
- dojox/sql/_crypto.js
- dojox/sql.js
- dojox/storage/AirDBStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/AirEncryptedLocalStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/AirFileStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/BehaviorStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/CookieStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/FlashStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/GearsStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/LocalStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/Provider.js
- dojox/storage/WhatWGStorageProvider.js
- dojox/storage/_common.js
- dojox/storage/manager.js
- dojox/storage.js
- dojox/string/BidiComplex.js
- dojox/string/Builder.js
- dojox/string/sprintf.js
- dojox/string/tokenize.js
- dojox/testing/DocTest.js
- dojox/timing/Sequence.js
- dojox/timing/Streamer.js
- dojox/timing/ThreadPool.js
- dojox/timing/_base.js
- dojox/timing/doLater.js
- dojox/timing.js
- dojox/uuid/Uuid.js
- dojox/uuid/_base.js
- dojox/uuid/generateRandomUuid.js
- dojox/uuid/generateTimeBasedUuid.js
- dojox/uuid.js
- dojox/validate/_base.js
- dojox/validate/br.js
- dojox/validate/ca.js
- dojox/validate/check.js
- dojox/validate/creditCard.js
- dojox/validate/isbn.js
- dojox/validate/regexp.js
- dojox/validate/us.js
- dojox/validate/web.js
- dojox/validate.js
- dojox/widget/AnalogGauge.js
- dojox/widget/AutoRotator.js
- dojox/widget/BarGauge.js
- dojox/widget/Calendar.js
- dojox/widget/CalendarFx.js
- dojox/widget/CalendarViews.js
- dojox/widget/ColorPicker.js
- dojox/widget/DataPresentation.js
- dojox/widget/Dialog.js
- dojox/widget/DialogSimple.js
- dojox/widget/DocTester.js
- dojox/widget/DynamicTooltip.js
- dojox/widget/FeedPortlet.js
- dojox/widget/FilePicker.js
- dojox/widget/FisheyeList.js
- dojox/widget/FisheyeLite.js
- dojox/widget/Iterator.js
- dojox/widget/Loader.js
- dojox/widget/Pager.js
- dojox/widget/PlaceholderMenuItem.js
- dojox/widget/Portlet.js
- dojox/widget/Roller.js
- dojox/widget/RollingList.js
- dojox/widget/Rotator.js
- dojox/widget/SortList.js
- dojox/widget/Standby.js
- dojox/widget/TitleGroup.js
- dojox/widget/Toaster.js
- dojox/widget/UpgradeBar.js
- dojox/widget/Wizard.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/AnalogArcIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/AnalogArrowIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/AnalogNeedleIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/BarIndicator.js
- dojox/widget/gauge/_Gauge.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Controller.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Fade.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Pan.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/PanFade.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Slide.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/ThumbnailController.js
- dojox/widget/rotator/Wipe.js
- dojox/wire/CompositeWire.js
- dojox/wire/DataWire.js
- dojox/wire/TableAdapter.js
- dojox/wire/TextAdapter.js
- dojox/wire/TreeAdapter.js
- dojox/wire/Wire.js
- dojox/wire/XmlWire.js
- dojox/wire/_base.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Action.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Data.js
- dojox/wire/ml/DataStore.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Invocation.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Service.js
- dojox/wire/ml/Transfer.js
- dojox/wire/ml/util.js
- dojox/wire.js
- dojox/xml/DomParser.js
- dojox/xml/Script.js
- dojox/xml/parser.js
- dojox/xml/widgetParser.js
- dojox/xmpp/ChatService.js
- dojox/xmpp/PresenceService.js
- dojox/xmpp/RosterService.js
- dojox/xmpp/TransportSession.js
- dojox/xmpp/UserService.js
- dojox/xmpp/bosh.js
- dojox/xmpp/sasl.js
- dojox/xmpp/util.js
- dojox/xmpp/widget/ChatSession.js
- dojox/xmpp/xmppSession.js
- dojox.data.XmlItem
- dojo.data.util.simpleFetch in common
- dojo.data.util.filter in common
- dojox.xml.parser in common
- type
- chains:
- dojo.data.util.simpleFetch: (prototype)
- parameters:
- args: (typeof object)
An anonymous object to initialize properties. It expects the following values:
- args: (typeof object)
- summary
A data store for XML based services or documents
- description
A data store for XML based services or documents
- type
- constructor - constructor
- type
- parameters:
- args: (typeof object)
An anonymous object to initialize properties. It expects the following values:
- args: (typeof object)
- summary
Constructor for the XML store.
- type
- summary
url to a service or an XML document that represents the store
- type
- type
- summary
tag name for root items
- type
- type
- summary
attribute name for a key or an identity (unique identifier) Required for serverside fetchByIdentity, etc. Not required for client side fetchItemBIdentity, as it will use an XPath-like structure if keyAttribute was not specified. Recommended to always set this, though, for consistent identity behavior. attributeMap: An anonymous object contains properties for attribute mapping, {"tag_name.item_attribute_name": "@xml_attribute_name", ...}
- type
- type
- type
- type
- summary
boolean indicate to add a query string to the service URL. Default is false.
- type
- type
- type
- type
- summary
to indicate whether or not URL calls should apply the preventCache option to the xhr request.
- type
- parameters:
- item: (typeof item)
An XML element that holds the attribute
- attribute: (typeof attribute)
A tag name of a child element, An XML attribute name or one of special names
- defaultValue: (typeof value)
A default value
- item: (typeof item)
- returns
- summary
Return an attribute value
- description
'item' must be an instance of a dojox.data.XmlItem from the store instance. If 'attribute' specifies "tagName", the tag name of the element is returned. If 'attribute' specifies "childNodes", the first element child is returned. If 'attribute' specifies "text()", the value of the first text child is returned. For generic attributes, if '_attributeMap' is specified, an actual attribute name is looked up with the tag name of the element and 'attribute' (concatenated with '.'). Then, if 'attribute' starts with "@", the value of the XML attribute is returned. Otherwise, the first child element of the tag name specified with 'attribute' is returned.
- return_summary
An attribute value found, otherwise 'defaultValue'
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof item)
An XML element that holds the attribute
- attribute: (typeof attribute)
A tag name of child elements, An XML attribute name or one of special names
- item: (typeof item)
- returns
- summary
Return an array of attribute values
- description
'item' must be an instance of a dojox.data.XmlItem from the store instance. If 'attribute' specifies "tagName", the tag name of the element is returned. If 'attribute' specifies "childNodes", child elements are returned. If 'attribute' specifies "text()", the values of child text nodes are returned. For generic attributes, if 'attributeMap' is specified, an actual attribute name is looked up with the tag name of the element and 'attribute' (concatenated with '.'). Then, if 'attribute' starts with "@", the value of the XML attribute is returned. Otherwise, child elements of the tag name specified with 'attribute' are returned.
- return_summary
An array of attribute values found, otherwise an empty array
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof item)
An XML element
- item: (typeof item)
- returns
- summary
Return an array of attribute names
- description
'item' must be an instance of a dojox.data.XmlItem from the store instance. tag names of child elements and XML attribute names of attributes specified to the element are returned along with special attribute names applicable to the element including "tagName", "childNodes" if the element has child elements, "text()" if the element has child text nodes, and attribute names in '_attributeMap' that match the tag name of the element.
- return_summary
An array of attributes found
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof item)
'item' must be an instance of a dojox.data.XmlItem from the store instance.
- attribute: (typeof attribute)
A tag name of a child element, An XML attribute name or one of special names
- item: (typeof item)
- returns
- summary
Check whether an element has the attribute
- return_summary
True if the element has the attribute, otherwise false
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof item)
'item' must be an instance of a dojox.data.XmlItem from the store instance.
- attribute: (typeof attribute)
A tag name of a child element, An XML attribute name or one of special names
- value: (typeof anything)
- item: (typeof item)
- returns
- summary
Check whether the attribute values contain the value
- return_summary
True if the attribute values contain the value, otherwise false
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- something: (typeof anything)
- returns
- summary
Check whether the object is an item (XML element) item: An object to check
- return_summary
True if the object is an XML element, otherwise false
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- something: (typeof anything)
- returns
- summary
Check whether the object is an item (XML element) and loaded item: An object to check
- return_summary
True if the object is an XML element, otherwise false
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- keywordArgs: (typeof object)
containing the args for loadItem. See dojo.data.api.Read.loadItem()
- keywordArgs: (typeof object)
- summary
Load an item (XML element)
- type
- parameters:
- returns
- summary
Return supported data APIs
- return_summary
"dojo.data.api.Read" and "dojo.data.api.Write"
- type
- returns
- parameters:
- item: (typeof item)
- returns
- summary
See dojo.data.api.Read.getLabel()
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof item)
- returns
- summary
See dojo.data.api.Read.getLabelAttributes()
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- request: (typeof A)
request object
- fetchHandler: (typeof A)
function to call for fetched items
- errorHandler: (typeof A)
function to call on error
- request: (typeof A)
- summary
Fetch items (XML elements) that match to a query
- description
If 'sendQuery' is true, an XML document is loaded from 'url' with a query string. Otherwise, an XML document is loaded and list XML elements that match to a query (set of element names and their text attribute values that the items to contain). A wildcard, "*" can be used to query values to match all occurrences. If 'rootItem' is specified, it is used to fetch items.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- request: (typeof A)
request object
- request: (typeof A)
- summary
Generate a URL for fetch
- description
This default implementation generates a query string in the form of "?name1=value1&name2=value2..." off properties of 'query' object specified in 'request' and appends it to 'url', if 'sendQuery' is set to false. Otherwise, 'url' is returned as is. Sub-classes may override this method for the custom URL generation.
- return_summary
A fetch URL
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- document: (typeof An)
XML document
- request: (typeof A)
request object
- document: (typeof An)
- summary
Fetch items (XML elements) in an XML document based on a request
- description
This default implementation walks through child elements of the document element to see if all properties of 'query' object match corresponding attributes of the element (item). If 'request' is not specified, all child elements are returned. Sub-classes may override this method for the custom search in an XML document.
- return_summary
An array of items
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- nodes
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- request: (typeof dojo.data.api.Request)
|| keywordArgs || null
- request: (typeof dojo.data.api.Request)
- summary
See dojo.data.api.Read.close()
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- keywordArgs: (typeof object)
An object containing initial attributes
- parentInfo
- keywordArgs: (typeof object)
- returns
- summary
Return a new dojox.data.XmlItem
- description
At least, 'keywordArgs' must contain "tagName" to be used for the new element. Other attributes in 'keywordArgs' are set to the new element, including "text()", but excluding "childNodes".
- return_summary
An XML element
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof item)
An XML element to delete
- item: (typeof item)
- returns
- summary
Delete an dojox.data.XmlItem (wrapper to a XML element).
- return_summary
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof item)
An XML element that holds the attribute
- attribute: (typeof attribute)
A tag name of a child element, An XML attribute name or one of special names
- value: (typeof almost)
A attribute value to set
- item: (typeof item)
- returns
- summary
Set an attribute value
- description
'item' must be an instance of a dojox.data.XmlItem from the store instance. If 'attribute' specifies "tagName", nothing is set and false is returned. If 'attribute' specifies "childNodes", the value (XML element) is added to the element. If 'attribute' specifies "text()", a text node is created with the value and set it to the element as a child. For generic attributes, if '_attributeMap' is specified, an actual attribute name is looked up with the tag name of the element and 'attribute' (concatenated with '.'). Then, if 'attribute' starts with "@", the value is set to the XML attribute. Otherwise, a text node is created with the value and set it to the first child element of the tag name specified with 'attribute'. If the child element does not exist, it is created.
- return_summary
False for "tagName", otherwise true
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof item)
An XML element that holds the attribute
- attribute: (typeof attribute)
A tag name of child elements, an XML attribute name or one of special names value: A attribute value to set notify: A non-API optional argument, used to indicate if notification API should be called or not.
- values: (typeof array)
- item: (typeof item)
- returns
- summary
Set attribute values
- description
'item' must be an instance of a dojox.data.XmlItem from the store instance. If 'attribute' specifies "tagName", nothing is set and false is returned. If 'attribute' specifies "childNodes", the value (array of XML elements) is set to the element's childNodes. If 'attribute' specifies "text()", a text node is created with the values and set it to the element as a child. For generic attributes, if '_attributeMap' is specified, an actual attribute name is looked up with the tag name of the element and 'attribute' (concatenated with '.'). Then, if 'attribute' starts with "@", the first value is set to the XML attribute. Otherwise, child elements of the tag name specified with 'attribute' are replaced with new child elements and their child text nodes of values.
- return_summary
False for "tagName", otherwise true
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof item)
An XML element that holds the attribute
- attribute: (typeof attribute)
A tag name of child elements, an XML attribute name or one of special names
- item: (typeof item)
- returns
- summary
Remove an attribute
- description
'item' must be an instance of a dojox.data.XmlItem from the store instance. 'attribute' can be an XML attribute name of the element or one of special names described below. If 'attribute' specifies "tagName", nothing is removed and false is returned. If 'attribute' specifies "childNodes" or "text()", all child nodes are removed. For generic attributes, if '_attributeMap' is specified, an actual attribute name is looked up with the tag name of the element and 'attribute' (concatenated with '.'). Then, if 'attribute' starts with "@", the XML attribute is removed. Otherwise, child elements of the tag name specified with 'attribute' are removed.
- return_summary
False for "tagName", otherwise true
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- keywordArgs: (typeof object)
An object for callbacks
- keywordArgs: (typeof object)
- summary
Save new and/or modified items (XML elements)
- description
'url' is used to save XML documents for new, modified and/or deleted XML elements.
- type
- parameters:
- returns
- summary
Invalidate changes (new and/or modified elements)
- return_summary
- type
- returns
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type
- parameters:
- item: (typeof item)
An item (XML element) to check
- item: (typeof item)
- summary
Check whether an item is new, modified or deleted
- description
If 'item' is specified, true is returned if the item is new, modified or deleted. Otherwise, true is returned if there are any new, modified or deleted items.
- return_summary
True if an item or items are new, modified or deleted, otherwise false
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item
- keywordArgs
- method
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof An)
item to save
- item: (typeof An)
- returns
- summary
Generate a URL for post
- description
This default implementation just returns 'url'. Sub-classes may override this method for the custom URL.
- return_summary
A post URL
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof An)
item to save
- item: (typeof An)
- returns
- summary
Generate a URL for put
- description
This default implementation just returns 'url'. Sub-classes may override this method for the custom URL.
- return_summary
A put URL
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof An)
item to delete
- item: (typeof An)
- returns
- summary
Generate a URL for delete
- description
This default implementation returns 'url' with 'keyAttribute' as a query string. Sub-classes may override this method for the custom URL based on changes (new, deleted, or modified).
- return_summary
A delete URL
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof An)
item to save
- item: (typeof An)
- returns
XML string
- summary
Generate a content to post
- description
This default implementation generates an XML document for one (the first only) new or modified element. Sub-classes may override this method for the custom post content generation.
- return_summary
A post content
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof An)
item to save
- item: (typeof An)
- returns
XML string
- summary
Generate a content to put
- description
This default implementation generates an XML document for one (the first only) new or modified element. Sub-classes may override this method for the custom put content generation.
- return_summary
A post content
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- tagName
- attribute
- returns
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- element
- returns
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- items
- element
- returns
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item
- returns
new or already modified
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- items
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- element
- returns
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- element
- returns
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- element
- returns
- summary
A function to compute the xpath of a node in a DOM document.
- description
A function to compute the xpath of a node in a DOM document. Used for Client side query handling and identity.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof item)
The XML Item from the store from which to obtain its identifier.
- item: (typeof item)
- returns
- summary
Returns a unique identifier for an item.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- item: (typeof item)
The item from the store from which to obtain the array of public attributes that compose the identifier, if any.
- item: (typeof item)
- returns
- summary
Returns an array of attribute names that are used to generate the identity.
- description
For XmlStore, if sendQuery is false and no keyAttribute was set, then this function returns null, as xpath is used for the identity, which is not a public attribute of the item. If sendQuery is true and keyAttribute is set, then this function returns an array of one attribute name: keyAttribute. This means the server side implementation must apply a keyAttribute to a returned node that always allows it to be looked up again.
- type
- parameters:
- parameters:
- keywordArgs: (typeof object)
- summary
See dojo.data.api.Identity.fetchItemByIdentity(keywordArgs)
- type
- parameters:
- type
- type
- type
- parameters:
- element: (typeof An)
XML element
- store: (typeof The)
containing store, if any.
- query: (typeof The)
query to use to look up a specific element. Usually an XPath or dojo.query statement.
- element: (typeof An)
- summary
A data item of 'XmlStore'
- description
This class represents an item of 'XmlStore' holding an XML element. 'element' element: An XML element
- type
- constructor - constructor
- type
- parameters:
- element: (typeof An)
XML element
- store: (typeof The)
containing store, if any.
- query: (typeof The)
query to use to look up a specific element. Usually an XPath or dojo.query statement.
- element: (typeof An)
- summary
Initialize with an XML element
- returns
- summary
Return a value of the first text child of the element
- return_summary
a value of the first text child of the element
- type
- returns
- type
- summary
XML element
- type
- type
- summary
containing store, if any. query: The query to use to look up a specific element. Usually an XPath or dojo.query statement.
- type
- type
- type
- type
- type