Warning: Use of undefined constant Symbol - assumed 'Symbol' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /mnt/new-ebs/workbench-106550/lib/dojo/util/docscripts/lib/parser2/dojo2.inc on line 215 Warning: Use of undefined constant JavaScriptSymbol - assumed 'JavaScriptSymbol' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /mnt/new-ebs/workbench-106550/lib/dojo/util/docscripts/lib/parser2/dojo2.inc on line 215


  • Provides:

    • dojox.lang.functional.numrec
  • Requires:

    • dojox.lang.functional.lambda in common
    • dojox.lang.functional.util in common
  • dojox.lang.functional

    • alias - dojox.lang.functional
  • dojox.lang.functional.inlineLambda

    • alias - dojox.lang.functional.inlineLambda
  • dojox.lang.functional.numrec

    • parameters:
      • then: (typeof Object)
        The value, which is used upon termination of the recursion.
        It will be returned as the value of the generated function.
        The lambda expression, which is called after the recursive step.
        It accepts two parameters: the returned value from the recursive step, and
        the original parameter. The returned value will be returned as the value of
        the generated function.
      • after: (typeof Function|String|Array)
    • summary
      Generates a function for the simplified numeric linear recursion pattern.
      All parameter functions are called in the context of "this" object.
    • description
      This is a simplification of the linear recursion combinator:
      - the generated function takes one numeric parameter "x",
      - the "cond" is fixed and checks for 0.
      - the "before" is fixed and the generated function is called with "x - 1".
      - the "above is called with two parameters: the return from the generated
      function, and with "x".
      - as you can see the recursion is done by decreasing the parameter,
      and calling itself until it reaches 0.
    • type
  • dojox.lang

    • type
  • dojox

    • type