Warning: Use of undefined constant Symbol - assumed 'Symbol' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /mnt/new-ebs/workbench-106550/lib/dojo/util/docscripts/lib/parser2/dojo2.inc on line 215 Warning: Use of undefined constant JavaScriptSymbol - assumed 'JavaScriptSymbol' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /mnt/new-ebs/workbench-106550/lib/dojo/util/docscripts/lib/parser2/dojo2.inc on line 215


  • Provides:

    • dojox.storage.Provider
  • dojox.storage.Provider

    • type
    • summary
      A singleton for working with dojox.storage.
    • description
      dojox.storage exposes the current available storage provider on this
      platform. It gives you methods such as dojox.storage.put(),
      dojox.storage.get(), etc.
      For more details on dojox.storage, see the primary documentation
      page at
      Note for storage provider developers who are creating subclasses-
      This is the base class for all storage providers Specific kinds of
      Storage Providers should subclass this and implement these methods.
      You should avoid initialization in storage provider subclass's
      constructor; instead, perform initialization in your initialize()
  • dojox.storage.Provider.constructor

    • constructor - constructor
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.SUCCESS

    • type
    • summary
      Flag that indicates a put() call to a
      storage provider was succesful.
  • dojox.storage.Provider.FAILED

    • type
    • summary
      Flag that indicates a put() call to
      a storage provider failed.
  • dojox.storage.Provider.PENDING

    • type
    • summary
      Flag that indicates a put() call to a
      storage provider is pending user approval.
  • dojox.storage.Provider.SIZE_NOT_AVAILABLE

    • type
    • summary
      Returned by getMaximumSize() if this storage provider can not determine
      the maximum amount of data it can support.
  • dojox.storage.Provider.SIZE_NO_LIMIT

    • type
    • summary
      Returned by getMaximumSize() if this storage provider has no theoretical
      limit on the amount of data it can store.
  • dojox.storage.Provider.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE

    • type
    • summary
      The namespace for all storage operations. This is useful if several
      applications want access to the storage system from the same domain but
      want different storage silos.
  • dojox.storage.Provider.onHideSettingsUI

    • type
    • summary
      If a function is assigned to this property, then when the settings
      provider's UI is closed this function is called. Useful, for example,
      if the user has just cleared out all storage for this provider using
      the settings UI, and you want to update your UI.
  • dojox.storage.Provider.initialize

    • summary
      Allows this storage provider to initialize itself. This is
      called after the page has finished loading, so you can not do
      document.writes(). Storage Provider subclasses should initialize
      themselves inside of here rather than in their function
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.isAvailable

    • summary
      Returns whether this storage provider is available on this
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.put

    • parameters:
      • key: (typeof string)
        A string key to use when retrieving this value in the future.
      • value: (typeof object)
        A value to store; this can be any JavaScript type.
      • resultsHandler: (typeof function)
        A callback function that will receive three arguments. The
        first argument is one of three values: dojox.storage.SUCCESS,
        dojox.storage.FAILED, or dojox.storage.PENDING; these values
        determine how the put request went. In some storage systems
        users can deny a storage request, resulting in a
        dojox.storage.FAILED, while in other storage systems a storage
        request must wait for user approval, resulting in a
        dojox.storage.PENDING status until the request is either
        approved or denied, resulting in another call back with
        The second argument in the call back is the key name that was being stored.
        The third argument in the call back is an optional message that
        details possible error messages that might have occurred during
        the storage process.
      • namespace: (typeof string)
        Optional string namespace that this value will be placed into;
        if left off, the value will be placed into dojox.storage.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
    • summary
      Puts a key and value into this storage system.
    • description
      var resultsHandler = function(status, key, message, namespace){
      alert("status="+status+", key="+key+", message="+message);
      dojox.storage.put("test", "hello world", resultsHandler);
      status - The status of the put operation, given by
      dojox.storage.FAILED, dojox.storage.SUCCEEDED, or
      key - The key that was used for the put
      message - An optional message if there was an error or things failed.
      namespace - The namespace of the key. This comes at the end since
      it was added later.
      Important note: if you are using Dojo Storage in conjunction with
      Dojo Offline, then you don't need to provide
      a resultsHandler; this is because for Dojo Offline we
      use Google Gears to persist data, which has unlimited data
      once the user has given permission. If you are using Dojo
      Storage apart from Dojo Offline, then under the covers hidden
      Flash might be used, which is both asychronous and which might
      get denied; in this case you must provide a resultsHandler.
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.get

    • parameters:
      • key: (typeof string)
        A string key to get the value of.
      • namespace: (typeof string)
        Optional string namespace that this value will be retrieved from;
        if left off, the value will be retrieved from dojox.storage.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
        return: Returns any JavaScript object type; null if the key is not present
    • summary
      Gets the value with the given key. Returns null if this key is
      not in the storage system.
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.hasKey

    • parameters:
      • key: (typeof string)
      • namespace: (typeof string)
    • returns
    • summary
      Determines whether the storage has the given key.
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.getKeys

    • parameters:
      • namespace: (typeof string)
    • summary
      Enumerates all of the available keys in this storage system.
      return: Array of available keys
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.clear

    • parameters:
      • namespace: (typeof string)
    • summary
      Completely clears this storage system of all of it's values and
      keys. If 'namespace' is provided just clears the keys in that
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.remove

    • parameters:
      • key: (typeof string)
      • namespace: (typeof string)
    • summary
      Removes the given key from this storage system.
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.getNamespaces

    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.isPermanent

    • summary
      Returns whether this storage provider's values are persisted
      when this platform is shutdown.
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.getMaximumSize

    • summary
      The maximum storage allowed by this provider
    • return_summary
      Returns the maximum storage size
      supported by this provider, in
      thousands of bytes (i.e., if it
      returns 60 then this means that 60K
      of storage is supported).
      If this provider can not determine
      it's maximum size, then
      dojox.storage.SIZE_NOT_AVAILABLE is
      returned; if there is no theoretical
      limit on the amount of storage
      this provider can return, then
      dojox.storage.SIZE_NO_LIMIT is
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.putMultiple

    • parameters:
      • keys: (typeof array)
        An array of string keys to use when retrieving this value in the future,
        one per value to be stored
      • values: (typeof array)
        An array of values to store; this can be any JavaScript type, though the
        performance of plain strings is considerably better
      • resultsHandler: (typeof function)
        A callback function that will receive three arguments. The
        first argument is one of three values: dojox.storage.SUCCESS,
        dojox.storage.FAILED, or dojox.storage.PENDING; these values
        determine how the put request went. In some storage systems
        users can deny a storage request, resulting in a
        dojox.storage.FAILED, while in other storage systems a storage
        request must wait for user approval, resulting in a
        dojox.storage.PENDING status until the request is either
        approved or denied, resulting in another call back with
        The second argument in the call back is the key name that was being stored.
        The third argument in the call back is an optional message that
        details possible error messages that might have occurred during
        the storage process.
      • namespace: (typeof string)
        Optional string namespace that this value will be placed into;
        if left off, the value will be placed into dojox.storage.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
    • summary
      Puts multiple keys and values into this storage system.
    • description
      var resultsHandler = function(status, key, message){
      alert("status="+status+", key="+key+", message="+message);
      dojox.storage.put(["test"], ["hello world"], resultsHandler);
      Important note: if you are using Dojo Storage in conjunction with
      Dojo Offline, then you don't need to provide
      a resultsHandler; this is because for Dojo Offline we
      use Google Gears to persist data, which has unlimited data
      once the user has given permission. If you are using Dojo
      Storage apart from Dojo Offline, then under the covers hidden
      Flash might be used, which is both asychronous and which might
      get denied; in this case you must provide a resultsHandler.
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.getMultiple

    • parameters:
      • keys: (typeof array)
        An array of string keys to get the value of.
      • namespace: (typeof string)
        Optional string namespace that this value will be retrieved from;
        if left off, the value will be retrieved from dojox.storage.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
        return: Returns any JavaScript object type; null if the key is not present
    • summary
      Gets the valuse corresponding to each of the given keys.
      Returns a null array element for each given key that is
      not in the storage system.
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.removeMultiple

    • parameters:
      • keys: (typeof array)
      • namespace: (typeof string)
    • summary
      Removes the given keys from this storage system.
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.isValidKeyArray

    • parameters:
      • keys
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.hasSettingsUI

    • summary
      Determines whether this provider has a settings UI.
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.showSettingsUI

    • summary
      If this provider has a settings UI, determined
      by calling hasSettingsUI(), it is shown.
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.hideSettingsUI

    • summary
      If this provider has a settings UI, hides it.
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.isValidKey

    • parameters:
      • keyName: (typeof string)
    • summary
      Subclasses can call this to ensure that the key given is valid
      in a consistent way across different storage providers. We use
      the lowest common denominator for key values allowed: only
      letters, numbers, and underscores are allowed. No spaces.
    • type
  • dojox.storage.Provider.getResourceList

    • summary
      Returns a list of URLs that this
      storage provider might depend on.
    • description
      This method returns a list of URLs that this
      storage provider depends on to do its work.
      This list is used by the Dojo Offline Toolkit
      to cache these resources to ensure the machinery
      used by this storage provider is available offline.
      What is returned is an array of URLs.
      Note that Dojo Offline uses Gears as its native
      storage provider, and does not support using other
      kinds of storage providers while offline anymore.
    • type
  • dojox.storage

    • type
  • dojox

    • type