Warning: Use of undefined constant Symbol - assumed 'Symbol' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /mnt/new-ebs/workbench-106550/lib/dojo/util/docscripts/lib/parser2/dojo2.inc on line 215 Warning: Use of undefined constant JavaScriptSymbol - assumed 'JavaScriptSymbol' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /mnt/new-ebs/workbench-106550/lib/dojo/util/docscripts/lib/parser2/dojo2.inc on line 215


  • Provides:

    • dojox.uuid.generateRandomUuid
  • dojox.uuid.generateRandomUuid

    • returns
      for example: "3B12F1DF"|String
    • summary
      This function generates random UUIDs, meaning "version 4" UUIDs.
    • description
      A typical generated value would be something like this:
      For more information about random UUIDs, see sections 4.4 and
      4.5 of RFC 4122: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4122#section-4.4
      This generator function is designed to be small and fast,
      but not necessarily good.
      Small: This generator has a small footprint. Once comments are
      stripped, it's only about 25 lines of code, and it doesn't
      dojo.require() any other modules.
      Fast: This generator can generate lots of new UUIDs fairly quickly
      (at least, more quickly than the other dojo UUID generators).
      Not necessarily good: We use Math.random() as our source
      of randomness, which may or may not provide much randomness.
      var string = dojox.uuid.generateRandomUuid();
    • type
  • dojox.uuid

    • type
  • dojox

    • type